Moreover, She Was The Only Woman!

It was only then that Ye Ling relaxed his slight frown.

Ye Yang's opinion just so happened to be the same as his. He had also thought the same thing just now.

Although Aunt Li had never gone out far away before, she still kept on nagging Ye Yang and Ye Ling nonstop to be careful about all sorts of things. And the thing she emphasized the most was that they needed to take good care of Liu Duo…

After about an hour, Ye Yang reckoned Liu Duo had probably woken up so he went upstairs.

Liu Duo had already woken up and was spacing out while sitting on the bed.

"Little Duo." Ye Yang called her after he pushed open the door softly and saw she was awake.

Upon hearing him, Liu Duo lifted her eyes and looked over. She was a bit surprised. "Yang? You didn't go to the fields."

She thought Ye Yang would still go and work in the fields as usual. After all, Ye Liu and the others would only go to town tomorrow to inform the restaurants and Liu Liushi about their plans to go on vacation.