They Would Just Buy More After They Finished Eating All Of It.

She also didn't know why she did that. She thought she was still standing on solid ground.

She had stood up before she really thought about it but didn't stand still.

Ye Mo was driving the carriage so he couldn't keep his eyes off the road for too long. He turned his head to quickly glance at Liu Duo and it was only after he saw she was alright that he felt relaxed.

"I just kinda wanted to stand up and move a bit. Haha…"

Both Ye Liu and Ye Ling reached out with a hand each and were softly massaging the top part of her head that had been hit.

"Duo Er, you shouldn't stand up so suddenly like this in the future. We are in a carriage and not on level ground," Ye Ling said to her with concern.

Ye Liu also echoed his words. "That's right! Little Duo, if you make such a stupid mistake again, all four of us will spank you three times each on your butt to make you remember."

"Okay, okay, okay. I get it." Liu Duo looked awkward.

Spank her butt?