That Wasn't What He Meant At All!

"He's alright. Mo was just born that way," Ye Liu snickered.

He did not want to spoil their good spirits with the incident.

It was not important anyway.

Ye Mo rolled his eyes at his brother when he heard the comment. In his mind, he roared back, you're the one who was born like that!

Liu Duo could not help but laugh at Ye Liu's joke.

It sounded so accurate! Ye Mo always seemed to be in a bad mood and pulling his long face!

Since they just got back from town, they took a short moment's break before the five of them left again, shutting the door behind them.

Liu Duo practically shopped until she dropped and ate to her heart's content, while the number of bags carried by the men kept going up.

"Liu, do you think we've brought enough money for the journey home?" Ye Mo asked Ye Liu in private as they lagged behind.

It was just their first day and they were already spending so much. He could not imagine what it would be like several days from then.