Otherwise He Wouldn't Have Stayed Out So Late!

By the time Ye Mo woke up from being hit in the head, it was already nightfall.

He found himself in a strange room as grand as a palace. Frowning, he wondered, where is this place?

Why was he here?

Who did this to him and why?

He had a bunch of questions in his head. He might not have been able to move with his limbs being tied up, but on the surface, he remained very calm.

He knew very well that, under these circumstances, being impatient would not help one bit!

He stayed calm, but deep down he was flustered and had a couple of choice words in his mind.

He could imagine how his wife and brothers looked as they worried about him.

At the inn.

"Duo Er, come and have dinner. Yang and Liu should be able to find Mo," Ye Liu said to her.

Regardless of how worried they were, they had to eat, especially now that Liu Duo was pregnant.