
Suddenly, they saw many soldiers and officers appearing on the streets, searching everywhere.

Liu Duo's bad feeling just got worse.

Mingyun Building next door.

Wang Xiangyun stood in front of the window too. She took note of everything that happened, from the moment the gang returned to the inn to when they left and passed by her residence soon after.

It seemed like she could picture what Liu Duo was feeling at the moment: Worried, anxious, troubled, even disturbed.

Wang Xiangyun smirked, a thrill of achieved vengeance erupting from within.

Among the many soldiers that had suddenly strewn out, she spotted Ye Liu, alone. She watched as he quickly entered the inn next door. Her smile faded.

"Shuixin, did you hide him well?" Wang Xiangyun turned around and asked the girl standing by the door.

She deduced that the soldiers came because Ye Liu had asked Dongfang Ming for help. He, in turn, had assigned his men to look for the missing brother!