However, There Was A Distance Between Her Wish And The Current Reality.

They definitely needed to search for him!

And their plan of going back the day after tomorrow was definitely canceled.

However, when they had left home, they told Aunt Li they would be gone for, at most, four or five months and would get back home safely. If they noticed they hadn't come home after that time, they would definitely worry!

It was because Liu Duo wasn't sure if they could quickly find Ye Mo. This wasn't like in modern times where there were CCTVs everywhere. It would take a long time to find him by going house to house.

Ye Ling hadn't thought about this question before and momentarily couldn't answer.

He frowned, and his delicate face looked distressed. "Duo Er, do you have any ideas?"

As he spoke, he looked sideways at Liu Duo and used his sleeve to very considerately wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Looking very stern, Liu Duo said, "If we still can't find Mo after three days, we will send a message back home. Otherwise, they might worry!"