Why Is He Staying Upstairs?

"Ling, did you bring Little Duo to see a doctor?" Ye Liu also asked anxiously.

This was probably the thing they were most concerned about right now.

"We've already seen a doctor. The doctor said she will get better if she just drinks more water and has more rest," Ye Ling answered, explaining how things were.

While they were on the street, the woman had brought the doctor to Ye Ling. Liu Duo couldn't take any medicine because of her pregnancy, so he asked her to drink more water and rest more.

It was only after Ye Yang and the others heard him that they felt at ease.

All of the big men's attention was on Liu Duo, but her concern was on Ye Mo!

"Mo still hasn't been found yet. Where exactly did he go? Did his aggressive personality provoke someone, and that resulted in him getting kidnapped?" Liu Duo frowned and guessed wildly.

Otherwise, she really couldn't figure out the reason!