Stay Here In The Meantime

Wang Xiangyun fled the chamber in a rush.

Once she got out, she ordered Shuixin to summon the guards for her questioning.

These days, Ye Mo could no longer tell the time. His blindfolded world was one of total darkness.

In the hidden chamber, his wife and his brothers were always on his mind. He could imagine their worried looks when they found out he had disappeared.

Wang Xiangyun questioned every guard at her disposal. None of them had leaked any bit of information at all. So how had Ye Mo guessed it was her?

None of it made any sense!

"My lady, are we returning tonight?" Shuixin asked Wang Xiangyun in between her questioning.

The sun had already set and it was getting dark.

If they did not start their journey anytime soon, the sky would become fully dark halfway along the road, and by that time it would not be safe to keep going.

It was not that public security was awful under the king's rule. Rather, it was better to be safe than sorry.