My Master Is Dongfang

At the same time, Ye Yang and Ye Liu followed the officers and soldiers as they scattered all over the capital's many streets and alleys on their non-stop mission in search of Ye Mo.

Time passed by and night fell. Ye Mo slowly stirred awake after having slept for a couple of hours. His mind was not fully conscious yet, but other than that, he was up.

His brows furrowed tightly when he found himself in a gorgeous but strange-looking room.

He remembered that someone had blocked him on the street, and before he could identify the person, he blacked out.

How did that happen? He thought about it as cold sweat overtook him.

If Wang Xiangyun had sent her men to capture him, could he still get away? He might even be killed off!

After all, she definitely would not let him go back alive and tell Dongfang Ming that his ex-fiancee had not only kidnapped him but attempted to rape him as well!

He rolled out of the bed and marched directly towards the door.