Strip Naked

Gu Jun went to a social gathering where a group of people at the table toasted each other with exchanges of pleasantries. If it was not for a project he was following, Gu Jun would not wish to attend at all. Mingling among this group of middle-aged greasy men aged between 40 and 50, Gu Jun felt that his own style and character were affected.

"Mr. Gu, Gu Group has really prospered under your guidance," a slightly fat man in his forties said to Gu Jun, holding a glass of wine.

Gu Jun nodded in courtesy, but in his heart, he could not wait to get away from his fat ass. He felt that this kind of person was not worthy of being close to him.

After rounds of toast, it was inevitable that a gathering like this would be taken to the red light district to continue. Gu Jun could not really sneak away at this moment, so he followed them along.

"Mr. Gu, the gigolos in this nightclub are much better than prostitutes. Would you like to try, too?" A business partner asked.

"Mr. Gu never touches a man, everyone knows that," another guy chimed in.

Gu Jun did not think deep into it at first, but the question got him to wonder about the type of fun he could have with a guy.

The pimp called in a group of young men who looked as though they were only in their twenties. The group was waiting for Gu Jun to take the first pick.

Gu Jun's eyes swept across the row of juveniles, each of whom was fair-skinned and had a good figure. And the semi-translucent clothes they were wearing did not do much to conceal anything under them.

He did not know that this trade had become so open now. Gu Jun noticed a young man with brown hair, skinny and fragile. He found it curiously amusing when he pictured the young man getting riden over and crushed by a fat middle-aged man.

But he was not a good-natured person. He felt that since the young man was out to sell his body, there was no need for him to sympathize with the young man.

"I'll take him," Gu Jun picked one at random.

"Xiao Lan, go on," the pimp standing at the side knew Gu Jun was a big tycoon. Anyone who got picked would surely make a lot of money.

The teenager named Xiao Lan catwalked towards Gu Jun and sat straight on Gu Jun's lap.

The rest of the gang followed to make their own picks and went to their respective rooms.

"Do you eat grapes, sir?" Xiao Lan overtly flirted as he bent over to pick up a grape from the table and revealed some skin from his neckline.

How could Gu Jun not know these tricks? Despite despising the tricks, he played along and ate the grape. He wanted to see the extent of how far the gigolos in the nightclub would go to please their customers.

Seeing that Gu Jun did not reject his advancements, Xiao Lan took it that he was Gu Jun's type. He put his hand into Gu Jun's suit and made circular motions on Gu Jun's chest.

"Is it comfortable, sir?"

Gu Jun looked at Xiao Lan who was leaning against him, wrapped his arms around Xiao Lan and carried him into his room.

I will play with you today. Let's see if you can take it.

As soon as he entered the room, Gu Jun threw the man in his arms onto the big bed, pulled his tie loose, and threw his suit coat on the ground.

"Is this your first time?"

Xiao Lan nodded. Good-looking ones like him were reserved as virgins for the rich to play with.

Gu Jun smiled as the game became more and more interesting.

Xiao Lan's clothes were not functional but purely decoration. With a slight tug from Gu Jun, the boys' clothes were torn into pieces.

Gu's tanned skin tone excited Xiao Lan. To be picked by such a capable and rich person, it was no longer a dream for him to be able to leave the nightclub.



Gu Jun stretched his fingers and washed his hands in the bathroom. After adjusting his clothes, Gu Jun left the room where Xiao Lan had passed out in bed with bruises all over his body.

Many would be dying to climb into bed with Gu Jun, and he only needed to spare a few fingers to satisfy them as he wished. Only those with fine qualities were qualified to climb into bed with him!

Seeing that it was now 2 in the morning, Gu Jun called Chen Chen up. Not long after, a car pulled over by the door of the nightclub.

"President, are we going straight home?"

Gu Jun sat in the car and thought for a moment, "Go to An Xiaoyan's."

Chen Chen hesitated for a moment. "President, is it okay to visit Mr. An at this time?"

"Just do as I say."

Chen Chen dared not refute and drove in the direction of the urban village.

"You can go. Come back to pick me up tomorrow morning."

Chen Chen wanted to say something, but in the end, he started his car and left.

Once he got off the car, the cool night breeze seemed to wake Gu Jun from the liquor effect a little. Gu Jun took the steps up based on his memory, stopped at a door and knocked.

An Xiaoyan was soundly asleep. The intensive labor during the day tired him out. Each time he reached home, he would fall asleep quickly.

The knocking sound jolted him out from his dream. He awoke in a daze.

Who would come in the middle of the night?

Dragging his exhausted body, An Xiaoyan opened the door. He suddenly felt awake when he saw who was standing outside.

"Mr. Gu, what brings you here?"

Gu Jun scanned An Xiaoyan who was dressed in thin clothes, pushed the door and went in.

"It seems that you can sleep well. With such a heavy burden, yet you can still sleep so well."

"Mr. Gu, I'm tired."

Gu Jun sat on the sofa, "Only you are tired? I'm not tired? I return from a social gathering only at this hour. You're far better off than me, already sleeping so soundly."

An Xiaoyan could smell the liquor on Gu Jun and poured a glass of water for him. An Xiaoyan only wished to please Gu Jun by all means, in hopes that his hatred agianst him could possibly wear off.

"An Xiaoyan, when will you pay back the money you owe me? It's been more than a month. Or you can consider sleeping with me. Once you hit 600 times, I'll let you off. What do you think?"

An Xiaoyan thought Gu Jun was blurting nonsense as he was drunk, "Mr. Gu, are you serious?"

"An Xiaoyan, do you think I have nothing better to do but to come here in the middle of the night to crack a joke?"

Gu Jun's serious look scared An Xiaoyan, "Mr. Gu, don't you like women?"

"It's good to try something new from time to time, isn't it? Besides, you are not in a position to bargain with me."

"Don't do this, Mr. Gu. I'll pay you back the money. Don't do this."

"Strip naked!"

"Mr. Gu..."

"You would not want your parents to know about your situation right now, would you?"

An Xiaoyan shook his head, "No, don't tell them." He lied to his parents that he was still studying for a doctorate. They have worked so hard in the countryside to raise him, so he would not let them see his current state.

"Then strip."

An Xiaoyan took off his shirt, trembling, and his hand paused on the belt.

"Keep striping."

Gu Jun's order felt like a gun on An Xiaoyan's head, an order that he could not disobey...