
Once the supermarket supervisor heard that the president was staying to continue the inspection, he broke out in a cold sweat. There had never been such a situation before, today was an exception. The supervisor could not figure out why, but he had no choice but to follow behind Gu Jun.

 Sneaking a glimpse of the president's amused face, the supervisor's felt his heart thumping.

 Gu Jun went straight to the third floor. Once he stepped out of the elevator, the staff who were already lined up bowed and greeted. He took a glance and did not see An Xiaoyan.

 "President Gu, are you looking for someone?"

 Gu Jun ignored him and walked on with a group of people immediately followed behind.

 His eyes swept across the rows of shelves and finally spotted a slim and small figure. He sneered and walked over.

 An Xiaoyan was loading shelves with canned food. His task of the day was to fill up the shelf with canned food. Each can was big in size and required him to use his slim arms to lift it up. He had to take a short break after completing each rack before proceeding to the next.

 When Gu Jun approached, An Xiaoyan was holding a large can of food weighing at least a dozen pounds, attempting to put it on the topmost layer of the shelf. While An Xiaoyan's hands were raised in the mid-air, he heard a familiar voice that caused his hands to tremble and the can slipped and was dropped to the ground with a loud bang. The pulp and liquid in the can were spilled all over the place, and Gu Jun's black high-end suit did not escape the spill.

 An Xiaoyan did not know what to do. He was caught off guard when Gu Jun blurted "Here you are."

 An Xiaoyan stared at Gu Jun who was standing beside him. A group of people stood around them. An Xiaoyan was at a loss, feeling as if the time had stopped.

 "What are you doing standing there? Apologize to Mr. Gu," the supervisor was the first to come to his senses and reminded An Xiaoyan.

 An Xiaoyan climbed down from the shelf and came to Gu Jun. He lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry."

 Gu Jun hated the innocent look on An Xiaoyan, it made him feel like he was a wicked man.

 "According to the store policy, if a staff breaks or damages the goods, how should the staff compensate?"

 The supervisor responded, "According to the policy, the compensation is 20 times the item's cost."

 "Okay, that will be it."

 An Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief as it was only monetary compensation. He was most afraid that Gu Jun would tell everyone that he was a murderer or embarrass him in public.

 Before he could answer, he was surprised by what he heard next, "What do you say about my clothes? The value of such high-end suit depreciates upon getting wet. Now my suit is stained with this disgusting yellow liquid, how are you going to compensate me for the loss?"

 An Xiaoyan knew that he could not afford such high-end clothes, not to mention that he still had five million dollars to repay. No, it should be less than five million dollars now. After all, Gu Jun said that he could offset his debt with sex.

 Thinking of this, An Xiaoyan felt somewhat desolate. Despite his emotional reluctance, he knew he owed Gu Jun and would serve his body at his will.

 "What should I do?"

 Gu Jun enjoyed a sense of joy as he watched An Xiaoyan's helpless look. To him, living a life as petty as an insect was suitable for a person like An Xiaoyan.

 "Clean it up with your bare hands. I'll be in the office on the top floor. You'd better clean it up before I leave, and come up to me after you finish."

 Gu Jun took off his suit coat and flung it to the people next to him, then swaggered out.

 The staff standing at the side shook their heads. As sympathetic as they might be, their hands were tied, plus nobody wanted to invite trouble by irritating the big boss.

 The supervisor gave an angry look at An Xiaoyan before he left and followed behind Gu Jun.

 When everyone had left, An Xiaoyan squatted down and picked up the glass fragments on the ground with his hands.

 The glass fragments pricked into the skin. Soon, his hands were stained with blood. But he ignored the wound as he did not dare to disobey anything that Gu Jun had commanded.

 Gu Jun sat in his office and looked at the surveillance video on the screen, where the red color of the blood looked strikingly bright. He savored the moment as he found the expression of An Xiaoyan very interesting.

 Chen Chen, observing the look on Gu Jun's face from the side, went up and asked him gently, "Sir, is this too cruel? Something might go wrong if he loses too much blood."

 "Something might go wrong? He's a grown man, not a vulnerable chick."

 Hearing Gu Jun's reply, Chen Chen dared not say anything more and quietly dismissed himself.

 An Xiaoyan's hands were oozing more blood. He gritted his teeth and told himself that if he persisted, he could finish it. The debris on the ground became less and less as he continued to pick it all up. When An Xiaoyan finally finished and wanted to stand up, a head rush struck him and he had to support himself by holding on to the shelf beside him.

 An Xiaoyan washed his hands and wrapped them with toilet paper before heading towards the office on the top floor.

 When he reached the stairway, a man whom he did not know came forward and held him up.

 Chen Chen could not bear to see An Xiaoyan in this state. He might not understand Mr. Gu's pain of losing his son or Mr. Gu's hatred, but seeing An Xiaoyan in this state pained him.

 "Are you all right? Can you still go up?"

 An Xiaoyan looked pale, but he waved and said, "It's alright. I'll be fine after a rest. You are?"

 "I'm Mr. Gu's assistant, Chen Chen."

 On hearing that he was Gu Jun's assistant, An Xiaoyan flung Chen Chen Chen's hand away hastily and kept a distance from him.

 "Don't be afraid, Mr. An. I won't do anything to you."

 An Xiaoyan examined Chen Chen Chen for a while and decided that he did not have the same sense of oppression on him as Gu Jun. He let his guard down and asked, "What are you doing here?"

 "Checking up on you. Your hand…"

 An Xiaoyan hid his hand on his back, "I'm fine. I should go, or else Mr. Gu might say something again."

 Chen Chen simply wanted to know how An Xiaoyan was doing. He made up his mind and made his way down to meet An Xiaoyan. However, when he finally saw An Xiaoyan, he could not speak his mind. He admired the perseverance revealed in An Xiaoyan's eyes. If he was in An Xiaoyan's position, he might not be able to bear it.

 Gu Jun was waiting for An Xiaoyan to come up. A moment later, the anticipated knock on the door was heard.

 "Come in."

 An Xiaoyan pushed open the door and walked in gingerly. He stopped at five meters away from Gu Jun.

 Ever since that night, An Xiaoyan had been forcing himself to forget what had happened. The break he had during this period gave him an illusion that it was a dream, but now it seemed that he had woken up from the dream and was living in reality again.

 "Finished cleaning up? That's pretty fast. I thought you'd take a long time."

 "Mr. Gu, what can I do for you?" asked An subordinately in a low voice.

 "Nothing much, but today I saw a very funny scene."

 An Xiaoyan carefully recalled that there was nothing funny about what happened today, except for wetting Gu Jun's clothes.

 "Can't remember? Let me remind you."

 Gu Jun opened a file in his computer and a big picture filled the whole screen.

 "Mr. Gu, I have nothing to do with her."

 "What are you anxious about? Did I say that the two of you had anything? Or should I say that the two of you are already in a relationship?"

 An Xiaoyan finally dared to look straight into Gu Jun's eyes. Gu Jun saw the persistence and innocence in his eyes. He was looking forward to the day when he could remove all of this. At that time, what else would be left for An Xiaoyan in this world?

 "Mr. Gu, don't involve innocent people. It's entirely my fault," An Xiaoyan was anxious. He was afraid of what Gu Jun would do to that girl. That girl was so kind.

 "You've finally admitted it. Why is it your fault? Tell me about it," Gu Jun was very curious about what An Xiaoyan would say. In fact, he watched the video and knew that An Xiaoyan did not even know the girl's name, but he just wanted to tease him.

 An Xiaoyan clenched his fist, "It's me. I shouldn't have talked to her. I shouldn't have dined with her."

 "What else?"

 "It's entirely my fault. I initiated it."

 "Do you mean you seduced her?" Gu Jun looked straight into An Xiaoyan's eyes as if he wanted to see through him.

 An Xiaoyan's eyes revealed fear followed with panic, "No, I didn't. I don't like her. I don't like her at all."

 "Well, who knows whether you like her or not, or maybe you are in denial."

 "Mr. Gu, she is really innocent. Don't involve others."

 "Well, I can let her go. What can you do to make me change my mind?"

 An Xiaoyan knew that he had made another mistake and could only swallow this silently. He asked, "Mr. Gu, what do you want me to do?"

 Actually, Gu Jun had not yet thought it through. He did that on the spur of the moment and did not expect An Xiaoyan to admit his "mistake" so quickly. Now that An Xiaoyan had confessed, Gu Jun would not waste such an opportunity.

 An Xiaoyan lowered his head. Gu Jun looked at him and an idea came to his mind, "Do it with me one time. You have nothing to lose anyway since you can use it to pay your debt."

 An Xiaoyan was even more frightened and recoiled. The last incident left a trauma in his heart. He did not want to suffer that again.

 Gu Jun saw his evasion and did not care. He had a hundred ways to make An Xiaoyan submit to him.

 "If you step back again, the woman may be in danger."