
"Oho, there's actually someone who can catch President Gu's attention?" Despite his words, President Zheng's eyes kept darting toward An Xiaoyan. Under the light, An Xiaoyan's face was washed in yellow. He was thin and his eyes shone subtly. People couldn't look away from him.

An Xiaoyan had watched quietly since Gu Jun started playing. He didn't know what the crowd was doing. He only heard the people cheer when Gu Jun hit three balls. Then they looked at him with ambiguous eyes.

"Kid, take it off," President Zheng urged with a smirk. If President Gu had was attracted to this guy, he must be very skilled. Even if he couldn't get a taste of this little fox, he still wanted his fill of eye candy.

"Take what off?" An Xiaoyan was confused. No one had told him what he was here for.

Pretending to be pure? I like him even more, Zheng San thought. He didn't reveal any of his preference, though. He couldn't touch President Gu's boy right now, but he could still try after President Gu was done playing.

"Take off three pieces of clothing."

An Xiaoyan looked down at his suit. It was early autumn and it wasn't very cold yet. Other than his underwear, he only had three articles of clothing—his shirt, jacket, and pants.

"Mr. Gu?"

Gu Jun was enjoying the confusion and questioning in An Xiaoyan's eyes, but his innocence still pissed Gu Jun off. In his mind, An Xiaoyan was the type that pretended to be innocent to vie for people's pity!

"I told you to take it off, so do it! What are you hesitating for? Don't you see people waiting?" Gu Jun was annoyed, and his words grew harsher.

An Xiaoyan understood what they were saying now. He looked around. There were at least a dozen people in the room who were all looking at him. He suddenly felt like a gorilla in the zoo, put on display for everyone.

"Seriously?" An Xiaoyan tried one last time. He looked at Gu Jun, eyes full of reluctance. Emotions battled within him.

Mr. Gu, I can bear it if you humiliate me alone. I can bear the pain you bring to me. I do all that willingly because I must make it up to you. I won't resist no matter what you do to me. But there are so many people here. Why are you doing this? Do you want everyone to know that I'm your dog and I do whatever you tell me to do?

Seeing that An Xiaoyan still hadn't acted and the people were getting impatient, Gu Jun wanted to go up and pull him.

Unexpectedly, An Xiaoyan turned around. He ran through the crowd, wanting to get to the door. He couldn't do this. This was his bottom line. He couldn't bear to have so many people walk over his dignity!

He ran out of an impluse. The door was getting closer and closer. Once he got to the door, he could escape. This move was all pure instinct. He didn't have time to think about the consequences if he wasn't successful or what he would do if he was. He only knew that he had to run. He couldn't stay here!

There were only three steps left. Two, one…

Just as An Xiaoyan touched the door handle, a huge force pulled him back and threw him onto the ground.

When his elbow hit the ground, An Xiaoyan heard a crack. Numbness spread throughout him.

Gu Jun stared at the person on the ground, looking down coldly. "An Xiaoyan, you're the first person who dared to escape right in front of me."

An Xiaoyan tried to push himself up, but his arm had no power. He could only lie on the ground.

The others sensed that Gu Jun was angry. They circled around An Xiaoyan to watch the show.

"Will you take it off yourself, or should I find someone to help you?" Gu Jun's voice was like a king's. He didn't allow any objection.

An Xiaoyan lay on the ground, knowing that he couldn't escape from this now. Under the extreme tension, his mind whirred and an idea popped up. No matter if he would succeed or not, he had to try. He was already in such a pathetic state. If being a bit more pathetic could save his last shred of dignity, it would be worth it.

"Can you help me up?" No one knew who this was directed at. No one dared to help him without Gu Jun's permission.

An Xiaoyan chuckled bitterly inside. "Mr. Gu, can you have someone help me up? I can't use my arm."

Gu Jun thought that An Xiaoyan had thought everything through. He sent a look and someone on the side propped An Xiaoyan up.

After standing up, An Xiaoyan looked around. Different people had different expressions. He took in all the leering and despicable looks. Closing his eyes, his legs bent stiffly.

The thud surpassed Gu Jun's expectations. "Mr. Gu, please let me go."

Gu Jun had thought that An Xiaoyan would beg him for something else, but all he asked was to be let go. An Xiaoyan, you're too naive.

"As the saying goes, men have gold on their knees, but are your knees worthy of gold? If you don't have gold, why do you think I'll let you go?" Gu Jun squatted and gripped An Xiaoyan's chin. His grip didn't seem strong, but he still distorted An Xiaoyan's face.

Seeing this scene, President Zheng's palms turned clammy. Gu Jun was infamous for being sinister, but this scene still shocked him. He didn't know what the man kneeling was to Gu Jun that Gu Jun had to torture him like this. He had to be careful from now on, lest he would end up like this too.

An Xiaoyan hadn't cried when he was given the one-year sentence. He knew that he could return to his life after a year. When he learned that he had three more years, he kept his tears back, because he knew that the day would finally come when he would step out of the place. An Xiaoyan had only ever cried before his parents because his parents had taught him to have a backbone. But now, he was stepped on like an ant. His so-called dignity had been crushed into nothing.

Two lines of crystal tears rolled from his cheeks to his neck. An Xiaoyan found it hard to breathe. The coldness of the tears went straight to his heart.

"You two, take his clothes off," Gu Jun ordered two random people. "Then bring him to my room."

As soon as Gu Jun left the room, everyone let out a breath of relieve and started moving around.

"You two, go," President Zheng ordered two 17- or 18-year-olds. The two the gigolos of the clubhouse. Clearly, it wasn't a suitable job for him.

Once the teens received the command, they naturally went to tear at An Xiaoyan's clothes. The neat suit wrinkled under their actions. The tie also went around An Xiaoyan's wrists to stop his struggling.

An Xiaoyan couldn't fight against the two. His clothes were removed one by one and his his eyes had dried up in the end. He watched as his clothes were scattered on the ground. Those were the clothes Ye Qing had given to him.

Ye Qing, I'm sorry.