Serve Drinks

"Are you thinking of asking me why I'm sure I'll get that piece of land back?"

Chen Chen had been figured out, so he nodded. In his opinion, Mr. Gu did not have much advantage in this competition. Everyone knew that Gu Jing had already reached an agreement with Nan Qiang, the owner of the South, that was, to give the land to Gu Jing.

"The agreement between Nan Qiang and Gu Jing is only verbal. Nothing is impossible when the contract is not signed yet."

It sounded reasonable, but Chen Chen knew that Nan Qiang was someone hard to please. For someone with a strong foothold in the real estate industry, he must have some means to keep his status and position.

"We will start when he arrives, and get everything I told you ready."

"It's ready."

Gu Jun was just in time. The moment he stepped into the room, Nan Qiang arrived with a big tummy.

"Boss Nan is nearly fifty years old, yet still look as good as before," Gu Jun went forward to greet him.

Nan Qiang nodded, indicating that he knew. In his eyes, Gu Jun was just a twenty-year-old young lad and he could not tolerate Gu Jun's impertinence. As he was in the same social class as Old Mr. Gu, he did not feel good standing beside a younger generation.

Next to them sat a group of people who knew that this meal had nothing to do with them. They just wanted to get close to the Gu family's members and Nan Qiang in hopes that their attendance would be remembered. In the future, if they needed help from Gu Jun or Nan Qiang, their presence here would certainly be helpful.

"Now that everyone is here, let's sit down," the host, Gu Jun, spoke. Everyone was relieved and ready to sit down. However, when "wait a moment!" was heard, they were so startled that they stood up again.

The voice came from Nan Qiang. His bald head was shining under the light and he had a straight face. He was frowning and obviously unhappy.

"What happened to Boss Nan? You are full even before you start eating?" Gu Jun said in a bid to liven up the atmosphere.

"Hmph, you young lad, how dare you have no respect for me. You should ask around and you will know that I, Nan Qiang, am never on the losing side. Everyone who sees me will either nod or bow. Your attitude confirmed that my visit today was a bad decision."  

When Nan Qiang was about to walk out, Gu Jun held him, "Boss Nan, what do mean by saying this? Why do you think I don't respect you? I've prepared a big gift for you. Even if you don't wish to have dinner, you should take a look at the gift. If you like it, just accept it."

Gu Jun clapped his hands and the door of the room was pushed open. Chen Chen came in with two handsome young men and took them to the middle before leaving.

Although Nan Qiang was nearly fifty years old, he had no scruples in bed affairs. In recent years, he especially liked young men. This also gave many people a chance to get in his good graces. Previously, Nan Qiang would accept any beautiful looking ones. However, in recent years, his standards increased. He was only interested in those who looked good physically, had good temperament and could endure his desires in bed. This led to a slight reduction in the number of people who sent him beautiful teenagers.

"Hmph, you don't know how many of such I have played with. What's so special about them?" What Nan Qiang said was true. In recent years, many people had gifted him with delicate young men. At first, he felt it refreshing, but got bored after a while. He needed a violent-tempered horse. Only the feeling of taming such a horse could make him feel refreshed.

"Boss Nan, I suggest that you eat dinner first. After dinner, you can inspect the two of them to see the difference they have from those who came before."

Nan Qiang did not agree, yet he did not leave. Gu Jun pulled Nan Qiang and made him sit down before returning to his seat.

"Today's meal is on me to all my brothers. Let's eat and drink to our hearts' content. I'll arrange a driver to send you back if you're drunk."

Since Nan Qiang had taken a seat, the rest of the people sat down too. The two young teenagers flanked Nan Qiang on each side.

Though Gu Jun seemed to be drinking, his eyes were fixed in the direction of Nan Qiang. His mind was set on getting hold of the piece of land!

He had already figured out Nan Qiang's character beforehand. Since Nan Qiang liked beautiful teenagers, he would need gift them to him. When he had become fully-fledged, the Nan family would be in the bag.

As soon as Nan Qiang saw the beauty, his majestic posture disappeared, and his fat hands would sometimes reach into the teenager's clothes. He felt excited as he caressed the soft skin. Although he was nearly fifty years old and could not perform much in bed, he had a way to have fun.

"You are An Xiaoyan right? Next time, I'll just call you Xiaoyan. Go and serve drinks in Room 429," Manager Nian ordered and handed An Xiaoyan a tray. This was actually an order from President Gu.

An Xiaoyan took the tray with both hands, but his mind was not on the wine. The clothes on his body made him feel uneasy. How could anyone who served wine wear such seductive clothes? White lace shirt and black trousers, the feminine design did not match in any way.

"Why are you still in a daze? Hurry up. If you are late, the guests will blame me and I'll give you a lesson."

An Xiaoyan raised his step, carried a heavy tray and walked forward. An Xiaoyan's unsteady footsteps made Manager Nian unhappy again. Manager Nian did not understand why President Gu would place a person, who did not even know how to handle a tray, in the clubhouse.

The scene in the room was exactly the same as what An Xiaoyan had expected. A group of people were drinking wine and toasting each other. He silently reminded himself that as soon as he served the drinks, he would rush out and not provoke anyone.

Gu Jun noticed An Xiaoyan's entry. He sat and watched how An Xiaoyan would deflect this group of drunkards.

In Night Charm Luxurious Clubhouse, all drinks were inevitably freeloaded by the guests. The higher-ups usually pretended not to know as they wanted to make their guests happy. However, An Xiaoyan was unaware of this, he simply thought that he would at most need to accompany them to drink only a few drinks.

A thin man in a lacy jacket came in, and everyone's focus was on him, including Nan Qiang.

Nan Qiang had a taste of almost all the waiters in Night Charm, they were all eager to climb in bed with him and make a fortune. As a businessman, Nan Qiang hated people who wanted to take advantage of him monetarily. What he yearned for was free and challenging targets.

"Here's your wine." When An Xiaoyan put down the wine and was just about to leave, Nan Qiang appeared behind him.

"Are you new here? Why haven't I seen you before?"

From Nan Qiang's fat body and face, An Xiaoyan could tell that Nan Qiang was not a good person. He turned around and pretended not to hear Nan Qiang.

"Didn't you hear me? I am asking you a question."

An Xiaoyan looked at Nan Qiang in the face and said firmly, "I'm just here to serve wine."

This insistent appearance aroused Nan Qiang's interest. Whoever meets Nan Qiang would either nod or bow and no one dared to reject him. This junior staff who served wine must be tired of living.