
The nanny gratefully handed the young master's things to An Xiaoyan, and did not forget to tell him what to pay attention to. "This is a list that I made. I hope it can help you."

An Xiaoyan took the note. The note clearly detailed all sorts of emergencies and how to deal with them. He folded the note and kept it in his pocket, then held Guo Guo's hand and followed behind Gu Jun.

Gu Jun did not use the usual BMW which he used for work, but took a limousine instead. An Xiaoyan did not recognize the logo on it and looked away after taking a quick glance at it. Rich people like Gu Jun could have anything that they wanted.

Before he went into the car, An Xiaoyan squatted down and held Guo Guo's thin body with both hands. He said gently, "Guo Guo, listen to Uncle and don't make things difficult for Uncle."

Gu Jun looked out of the window and saw one of them standing while the other was squatting down. He rolled down the window and said impatiently, "What can you tell a retard? Get in quickly."

"He's not a retard…" An Xiaoyan murmured to himself, held on to Guo Guo tightly and took him into the car.

Gu Jun was sitting on the co-driver's seat. There was a driver driving the car. An Xiaoyan was sitting behind with Guo Guo in his arms.

Guo Guo felt sleepy once he got on the car and did not look very well. An Xiaoyan tried his best to take care of him and placed him in a comfortable position. As An Xiaoyan leaned back on the seat, he felt a little sleepy too.

Gradually, the car drove out of the city and headed towards a small town in the south.

When they arrived at the service area in the evening, Gu Jun had already arranged for their reception, and their hotel accommodation had been booked.

Guo Guo was less than five years old, and his body could not withstand the bumpy journey. When it was time to get out of the car, Guo Guo was sound asleep in An Xiaoyan's arms.

Although Guo Guo was underdeveloped in IQ, all other aspects of his body were the same as other normal children. An Xiaoyan's hands felt shaky after holding Guo Guo throughout the journey. He placed Guo Guo on the seat with Guo Guo's back leaning against the seat, and then placed Guo Guo's hands on his shoulders.

Gu Jun looked at An Xiaoyan from afar, with his waist hunched and Guo Guo on his back. An Xiaoyan resembled those women in a TV drama, who farmed in the mountains with a child on their back. He looked ridiculously cute!

The choice of the hotel was naturally the best. Gu Jun booked a suite. After entering the suite, An Xiaoyan still stood at the door with Guo Guo on his back. He did not know whether he should go in or not. He stood at the door for more than half an hour. An attendant in the hotel kindly reminded him that a gentleman had booked two rooms, and the other room was also on this same floor.

An Xiaoyan looked at the waiter gratefully and followed him to a room. The attendant left after opening the door to the room for An Xiaoyan. An Xiaoyan finally felt relaxed.

He tried to hold out in front of Gu Jun. After all, he was the one who suggested to bring this child out. He dared not show a trace of difficulty in front of Gu Jun as he was afraid that Gu Jun would send Guo Guo back home.

Once Guo Guo touched the soft bed, he woke up confused. Looking around the unfamiliar room and An Xiaoyan, he began to cry. An Xiaoyan knew that the child was afraid as it was for a child to accept an unfamiliar environment.

He also did not know how to coax a child and felt at a loss. Suddenly, he thought of the nanny's note and glanced through the note quickly. The note mentioned that the young master would cry when he was hungry or needed someone to play with him.

Along the bumpy journey, An Xiaoyan did not count the time for feeding. He quickly opened the bag to find milk powder. As soon as Guo Guo had his milk, he stopped crying and looked at An Xiaoyan with his big eyes.

The child's innocent eyes revealed his appearance. An Xiaoyan gently touched Guo Guo's soft hair and said, "Uncle is hungry, be good and drink your milk. Uncle will go and find something to eat. I heard that you like to eat omurice, uncle will try to buy that for you."

After An Xiaoyan ensured that Guo Guo lied on the bed obediently to drink his milk, he felt at ease and left the room.

After walking out, he realized that he did not know if Gu Jun had ordered a meal for his room. As he looked at the other end of the corridor, he sighed helplessly and turned to walk towards that direction.

Gu Jun had just taken a bath. When he heard the doorbell ring, he thought that it was meal delivery. He randomly took a bathrobe and covered his private parts, then opened the door.

After the door opened, An Xiaoyan literally saw a picture of a man who had just emerged from a bath. Gu Jun wrapped his lower body in a bathrobe while his naked upper body revealed strong abdominal muscles. His bronzed skin indicated a healthy lifestyle. His hair was dripping wet and looked alluring.

After taking in the view for a few seconds, An Xiaoyan gulped hard and turned his head away.

"Why? You think I'm not in a good shape?"

His small face flushed with embarrassment. Although they were both men, it was difficult for An Xiaoyan to look straight at a naked body.

"We've both done it together, yet you are pretending to be a virgin."

Gu Jun's tone was obviously full of mockery, and An Xiaoyan's face turned pale again. An Xiaoyan was not a woman, and he did not want Gu Jun to regard him as a woman.

He knew that any further explanation would not be helpful. An Xiaoyan tilted his head sideways, "Mr. Gu, do you have any food? The child is hungry."

As they were talking, the service staff arrived with the delivery cart and said, "Sir, this is what you've ordered?"

"Come on in." Gu Jun casually replied, turned his back and walked back into the room, leaving An Xiaoyan alone at the door.

"Excuse me, sir."

An Xiaoyan stepped aside to make way for the delivery cart. The service staff placed the food in an orderly manner and waited for Gu Jun to sign off before leaving the room.

The two of them were left alone again. An Xiaoyan could not decide whether to go in the room, so he chose to stand at the door to wait for Gu Jun's reply. Before he walked over, he had thought about ordering his own meal, but he was penniless. Moreover, the money he earned through sacrificing his health was used to pay the debt he owed to Gu Jun.

Gu Jun heard An Xiaoyan's words but pretended not to hear them. He was only concerned about the food in front of him. He was drinking red wine while eating. An Xiaoyan stood at the door and could smell the fragrance of the rice. His stomach growled.

Stop growling. When we get home, you'll have food to eat.

An Xiaoyan murmured in his heart.

After some time, An Xiaoyan began to feel numb in his legs. Gu Jun put down his chopsticks and gracefully wiped the corner of his mouth with a paper towel, then gestured to An Xiaoyan to enter the room.

An Xiaoyan wanted to move his legs, but found that because he had been standing for a long time, he had difficulty controlling his legs now. However, he was afraid that Gu Jun would change his mind and gritted his teeth, then struggled to walk forward with heavy steps.

"Pick a few of these dishes and go," Gu Jun laid back on his chair and behaved as if he was giving food to a beggar.

An Xiaoyan took a deep breath. Most of the dishes on the table had been barely touched. Gu Jun seemed to have overestimated his ability to eat. From the moment he entered the door, he saw that there was omurice on the table. Fortunately, Gu Jun hadn't touched the omurice at all.

After placing a few dishes on a big tray, he held the tray with one hand and protected the omurice with the other hand. An Xiaoyan made his way out of the room carefully and did not forget to close the door.

What a stray dog! Gu Jun had never seen such a resigned person in his life.

An Xiaoyan, I'll see how far you can withstand it.