Use Your Mouth

The hot breath still remained between Gu Jun's lips. He reached out and touched the wound on his lips. His tongue licked the blood. His hands pressed on An Xiaoyan, "Well, well, now you know how to resist. You've progressed well from before."

An Xiaoyan was suppressed by Gu Jun with his back leaning against a stone wall. His back was in pain due to the protrusion of the stone wall. Gu Jun's strength was increasing and his whole body ached.

The warm breath swept across An Xiaoyan's earlobes, "Now I feel that you are more of a delicacy, and I can't help but think about tasting more."

"Mr. Gu, this is in my house."

Gu Jun sneered, "I know it's in your house, but if we don't tell, who will know?"

In the silent mountain forest came the sound of footsteps. An Xiaoyan could hear his heartbeat. However, Gu Jun gave no sign of letting go.

The sound of footsteps became clearer, An Xiaoyan broke free and gave Gu Jun a slap. Gu Jun loosened his grip. The numbness from An Xiaoyan's palm made him realize what he had just done.

Although An Xiaoyan's strength was not strong, Gu Jun had never been treated like this. The footsteps came closer, and the words "Yan Zi" drew An Xiaoyan to the voice.

"Fourth uncle."

"Yan Zi, when did you come back? It has been so long since fourth uncle last saw you. Did you just come back from the temple?"

His fourth uncle's forthright manner made him feel a little uneasy. He was unsure whether his uncle had seen the scene just now, and simply replied, "Hmm."

"Your father talks about you every day. He must be very happy to see you back. Who is this?"

"My boss."

Gu Jun looked unapproachable. His nephew's thoughts were obviously far away and he did not stay long with them. Initially, he heard two people quarrelling from up the hill. He did not expect to meet someone he knew, so he quickened his pace to see what happened.

After his fourth uncle left, An Xiaoyan continued to stare at Gu Jun while keeping a distance of three meters away. Gu Jun touched the right side of his face and could still the constant throbbing pain.

"The little wild cat finally showed its claws. It seems that I have given you too much freedom during this period. Don't think I didn't punish you recently means that I have forgiven you. An Xiaoyan, you must always remember that you are a murderer. If you don't remember, I can help you to remember."

Gu Jun's voice came from behind. An Xiaoyan paused. He did not doubt Gu Jun's words as Gu Jun always had this ability. He was wrong in thinking that the absence of Gu Jun getting touchy with him these days meant that he would not do it in future.

"In the evening, we are still sleeping together."

When An Xiaoyan heard this, he ran down the hill like a madman. It was in his home. What could he do if he was found out?

An Xiaoyan's back looked smaller as he ran further, and finally looked like a dot entering his home from afar. Gu Jun calmly strolled down the hill. He enjoyed looking at how fearful An Xiaoyan was. Akin to hunting, a hunter would ride a horse and bring along a fierce hound to chase after the panicky deer in the woods. The deer scurried in the woods while the hunter rode his horse and sing triumphant songs.

As soon as he got home, An Xiaoyan went back to his bedroom and closed the door to catch a breath. Gu Jun must be mad. He was also mad. Why did he come back? He knew it would turn out like this. He should have chosen not to come home.

A knock on the door could be heard. An Xiaoyan did not know who was outside. In case it was Gu Jun, he dared not open the door.

"Daddy, Daddy…" A tender voice of a child came from the outside. An Xiaoyan's heart melted. The child was innocent.

He calmed down and opened the door to carry Guo Guo in his arms, "Daddy, daddy…"

"I'm not your daddy, call me uncle."

Guo Guo shook his head and continued to call him daddy. An Xiaoyan put the child on the ground and said solemnly, "Listen, I'm not your daddy. The man who is coming back later is your daddy. It's not good for the both of us if you call me daddy in front of him."

Before An Xiaoyan could finish his sentence, he was interrupted. "Of course, it's not good for the two of you. No matter how retarded my son is, he still a young master. No matter how talented you, An Xiaoyan, are, the label of a murderer will accompany you for life."

That night, An Xiaoyan leaned against the door from the moment he entered the room, facing Gu Jun from the farthest distance.

"Do you want to lie here by yourself or want me to hold you down?" Gu Jun sat at the bedside and looked at An Xiaoyan. Gu Jun always takes the initiative and did not believe that An Xiaoyan would reject him.

"Can you not do that? My parents are next door. The room is not soundproof."

Hearing that the room was not sound-proof, Gu Jun felt more energetic and took off his clothes, leaving only a last piece of shirt. He slowly walked towards An Xiaoyan and the height difference made An Xiaoyan feel oppressed. "Isn't that more exciting? As long as you don't make any noise, no one will notice it."

"Mr. Gu, torture me when we get back. It's really not possible here." An Xiaoyan could not see how bad his facial expression looked. He was frowning and his grieving eyes were pitiable.

But this kind of pity was an invitation in Gu Jun's eyes, "Otherwise, use your mouth. As long as I am comfortable, everyone will be fine tonight."

This was something that An Xiaoyan had never experienced before. When he had to lie on the bed, he just had to bear the pain of his body and the hurt in his heart. Now that he had to take the initiative, he could not bring himself to do it.

Gu Jun ignored An Xiaoyan's reaction and took off his pants. He forced An Xiaoyan to kneel down, pressed his hand on An Xiaoyan's head and stuffed his thing into An Xiaoyan's mouth.

With his teeth tightly closed, An Xiaoyan refused to accept it. Gu Jun squeezed his jaw with one hand and forced open his mouth with all his strength.

"Remember, don't use your teeth. If it hurts me, this time next year will be your parents' death anniversary."

"Don't be like a dead fish. Lick it. You just keep in this position and see how long you can hold it out."

Time seemed to stand still. An Xiaoyan's tongue, mouth and body seemed to have lost its sensation. His mechanical repetition of movements made his knees hurt on the cold floor.

"Did you do this on purpose?"

After a sudden strong kick at his numbed body, An Xiaoyan curled up on the floor. His chest felt as if a big stone was pressing on him.

"Are you pretending again? If I don't give you any pain today, you won't know who you are. You can't repay all that you owed me even if you die!"

Gu Jun went to An Xiaoyan and turned him over. A sharp pain penetrated him. The feeling of tearing and bleeding rushed to the top of his head, and the constant pushing gave him a suicidal thought.

Meanwhile, the door creaked open.