The Truth

"Eat! Eating again! You only care about eating!"

Gu Jun knew that this was a chain reaction. He was taking his discontentment with An Xiaoyan out on Guo Guo. So what if he can talk? He knows nothing. He is but a retard son!

"Mr. Gu, Guo Guo is hungry. I will cook it again."

Before An Xiaoyan could turn around, Gu Jun dragged him upstairs.

Every step, like a mermaid walking on land, made him tremble in pain. Despite that, Gu Jun was not bothered and still strode forward.

After being dragged into the room, Gu Jun let go of his hand and An Xiaoyan fell to the ground, looking very miserable.

Several photographs fell from above him. An Xiaoyan picked them up and looked at the photographs. They were photographs of him and Liu Cheng kissing him on the Ferris Wheel.

"Is this real?"