
The medicine made An Xiaoyan drowsy and he slept for more than ten hours. When he awoke, he saw someone's head just beside him.

An Xiaoyan inched away and Gu Jun awoke with a fright. Seeing that An Xiaoyan was awake, he was surprised and then delighted.

"You're awake. Are you hungry? I will go and buy something for you to eat."

The overzealous look on Gu Jun made An Xiaoyan sick. With a low and weak voice, An Xiaoyan said, "Get lost!"


"Did you hear me? I asked you to get lost!" As the voice became weaker, An Xiaoyan raised his head and a couple streams of tears were flowing down his cheeks.

"Mr. Gu, please let me go. I really can't live like this. Even if I am hit by a car, it will be better than being tortured here. I really can't take it anymore."