
"How about Guo Guo sleeps in the middle and we sleep on either side?" Gu Jun suggested. "This way, we won't touch while sleeping."

This was a compromise. An Xiaoyan didn't say anything. He turned his back to Gu Jun and started sleeping.

Only Guo Guo snored that night. The two on either side didn't feel like sleeping.

An Xiaoyan thought back to today and realized that he had let many things slide. For example, he'd voluntarily suggested that Gu Jun stay before Gu Jun had even said anything. He'd also accepted Gu Jun's gift as if it were normal. He'd acted strangely.

Gu Jun turned and looked in An Xiaoyan's direction. "Guo Guo said that he came to watch a movie with you."

After An Xiaoyan heard, he agreed.

Gu Jun glanced at the moonlight streaming in from the window. "Guo Guo really likes you."

"I know. I like him too."

"Can I get closer to you?"