
 There were no hiccups in the preparations for the engagement. All preparatory activities were going as planned and Gu Jun had gradually accepted the fact that he was getting engaged. However, he left everything to be managed by Chen Chen as he did not want to be involved in it. Every single day, he spent his time outside of work accompanying Guo Guo and Fifth Dumpling at the villa.

He wanted to wait until after his engagement to see An Xiaoyan, but what the security guard reported to him next surprised him.

At the main gate, a familiar figure with a big bag was looking inside.

An Xiaoyan had intentionally asked for a week's leave. Bearing in mind that he had not seen Fifth Dumpling or Guo Guo for some time and had nothing urgent on the island to attend to, he made a special trip down. He brought along a pile of his "fur kids" too. Once he stepped into the house, the cats and dog jumped out of his bag.