Chapter 108

After An Xiaoyan moved back from the island, he opened a cat shelter in A City. The work was quite stable. Gu Jun started planning their new life.

An Xiaoyan was woken up in the early morning. Gu Jun handed him the clothes he'd prepared. He said they'd do something mysterious today.

"There's something going on today?"

Gu Jun shot him a meaningful glance. "Something really important."

"What?" An Xiaoyan had just woken up and his brain wasn't working yet.

"Hurry and put on your clothes. You'll see when you get there."

Gu Jun had prepared a khaki-colored hoodie, brown linen pants, and white sneakers. When An Xiaoyan put it all on, he seemed to have gone back to his student days.

Gu Jun didn't wear his usual suits. He put on a brown hoodie and black pants. When they stood together, they seemed to be university bros.

"I found someone to make this for us. It's couple wear," Gu Jun made sure to say. He waited for An Xiaoyan's praise.