Chapter 6

Edited by: Mystic

After walking for a while in the cave, Ai began to feel a bit strange, "Hey, why is it so...odd?" he asked unsure how to explain the feeling he was getting. It was like his body was being shocked in a way that wasn't really painful, just that a current was moving through him.

Wang hid his smile as he gave a confused look. "I'm not sure?" he lied as he moved forward. "Maybe it's something with the array protecting the quest?" he offered to try to distract the male, they were so close to the goal!

When they finally made it to the end of the cave's tunnel, a bright light prevented them from seeing what laid ahead of them. Ai shuddered as he felt his fur puff up. It was the first time something in the game felt so...real. "Are you sure this is a quest? I don't think we should do this" he said his body pausing as he looked ahead, not wanting to go into that light.

Wang frowned as he stopped walking, looking back at the little fox behind him. "But the reward is something no one else can get. It's a one time quest!" he said as if wronged. Ai looked up at him, seeming as if he were a horrible person, "Well. You could go alone?" he offered. He really didn't want to go into that light.

Wang let out a soft 'ch' sound before moving back quickly to pick up the little guy before moving forward. Ai struggled in his hold, starting to panic. "Wait! I don't want to!" he said as if he was at death's door. Which made absolutely no sense! He was in a game! Why was it affecting him so much?

Before he could freak out anymore, Wang finally took the final step and they broke through the light. The only thing that followed was darkness. Ai passed out as his body began to shudder. Wang himself held onto the feeling. He refused to pass out! His hold on Ai was stronger as he waited for the world around them to shift, and they once more stood in a lush forest.

"It worked!" he said as he tried to pull up the log menu. Nothing worked, no lists, or anything that related to the game happened. The friend's menu was gone, along with the health bar or any of the game stats that normally lingered on the screen in a faint overlay.

The two were finally, truly inside the game!

When Ai woke up, he was still in Wang's arm, and he seemed confused as he shook his head, trying to get over the odd numb feeling that filled him completely. When he was fully alert, he realized that he was breathing and that everything felt more real. The heat from Wang's body was warmer, and he felt the soft rising of his chest, as well as his soft breath brushing over his fur as he snuggled to his chest.

It took Ai a while to realize some missing features before he tried to pull out the log out screen. He was upset that Wang had forced him into this quest and that the other had ignored his pleas to be put down. When it didn't appear, he stopped struggling, and his heart skipped. "Why...Can't I log out?" he asked as if this wasn't really happening.

Wang smiled as he looked down at the little fox in his arms as if he had won the best prize ever. "Because we aren't in a game anymore," he said as if it was obvious.

Ai sat there looking up at him as if he heard wrong. "What do you mean? I never logged out, how can we not be in the game?" he asked as if confused. The smile he got made him shudder until he finally managed to break free from Wang's hold and jumped down, turning to face the other hunched down in attack mode, a low growl coming from him, something that he couldn't do before. 'Eh? why does that sound like a real growl?' he asked himself even more confused.

Wang let him go before placing his arms over his chest, crossing them in triumph. "Simple, it's not a game anymore. It's real!" he said with a laugh! "It worked! It really worked! Now we don't have to worry about logging out or needing to do anything but staying here together!" he said full of glee.

Ai stood there frozen, his face looking up at the other as if he'd lost his mind! "What do you mean?! I can't be trapped in the game. No no no. I have class, and I need to study!" he said as if in denial. "Too late. We can't leave the game anymore. Or at least, we can, but that game over is the end, completely. Death." he said as if Ai was being silly.

"Now, let's go get you into your human form so we can get married!" Wang said, moving to pick up the little fox. Ai scurried away, moving to huddle in a bush. "NO! Why did you do this?! How? I don't want to! I want to go out of the game!" he cried, feeling so wronged.

Wang frowned, his hand paused in the air over the now empty space. "Well you can't leave, and I'm not gonna let you even if you could. I've decided you belong to me now, and we'll be together happily forever. No needless interruptions." he huffed while looking to the fox cowering in the bush.

Ai felt dread as he looked at Wang, his expression was that of some demon lord. Well, he was a demon, wasn't he? "No!" he said again before turning tail and fleeing for his life.

Wang sighed, shaking his head. "You can't get away. We are bound you know!" he yelled out, a small smile moving to his lips. "Though, the more you run the more I want to make you mine." he laughed.

"Little Fox, Don't let me catch you, or I'll gobble you up!" he said loud enough for the little fleeing fox to hear him.