Chapter 8

Edited by: Mystic

While moving around the forest looking for food, Ai seemed rather happy as he just went about, his tails slightly swaying and his body moving along with the smells he picked up. It took a while but finally, the little fox came across a small furry creature, his body lowering to the ground as he shook his butt, ready to pounce.

Sadly though, his attempts just caused him to tumble to the dirt as the small beast swiftly moved out of the way. For the next several minutes Ai began to jump around, attempting to catch his dinner while the beast just avoided him, hopping around without fleeing, as if taunting him.

Soon Ai was at the point of crying, his body was spent and he panted while laying on the ground eyeing the stupid beast that sat just a few feet away, just watching him. Really hateful! He let out a whimper as his stomach let out a rumble. Really, was he going to die of hunger at this point?

The beast gave a few puffs of air before jumping over to the little fox and swatted him on the head before hopping off into the forest.

Ai sat there seeming frozen for a moment before he gave a low growl. Really this was too cruel! He had no energy to get up and go after the damn thing anymore, so instead, he just curled himself up and began to pout. How was he going to survive if he couldn't even catch one little beast! "So hateful!" he let out in a huff before just laying where he was in defeat.

After an hour or so, Ai forced himself back up to his feet before dejectedly heading off into the woods, he continued until he came across a small village, one that he'd passed before, but didn't remember. He glanced around trying to scope out the place before running into a small child that seemed rather excited to see him. "A little baby! So cute!" the girl gushed before rushing over to lift him up.

Ai struggled a but, but gave up when the girl started to swing him around. It was clear she had no idea how to properly hold something so small! 'Ah, why so rough? Put me down!!' He thought while glaring at the girl, which looked way too cute, causing another squeal from the girl. "You are so adorable, you must be hungry! Let's get you some food" she said, hurrying off to her house.

Ai wanted to protest more, though calmed down at the comment on the food if she was going to feed him, then he'd go along with it. 'Hmph,' It wasn't like he had any pride left anyways right? Food was needed to live!

Once the girl got home, she quickly hurried to the kitchen and got some snacks her mother always kept, giving him some dried meat and veggies. Ai ate with great passion, feeling his belly fill up brought him much pleasure!

Meanwhile, a certain black-belly king was off setting up a new home, as well as organizing a strategic identity. When he had set up the glitch, he made it so that the two of them were brought into the game in a way that really had no logic. Their 'living' bodies were in a state of 'death' if you will. Anyone that would check on them would think they had died. There was no going back. Their 'souls' were no longer attached to the husks of flesh from the real world.

The Announcement was something he didn't account for. Being as this world ran off of the servers until they closed down the servers to do a reset, they'd still see announcements that were broadcasted. After the reset, this world would separate and become its own.

There was only one problem. He did lie about this quest only being available for only one attempt. If anyone else managed to find the 'glitch' and enter before the reset, they'd also find themselves stuck in this other world along with them! He was hoping the servers would have overlooked the glitch and done the reset as scheduled without announcing anything.

There were a lot of players that enjoyed finding glitches and talking about them in games like this. More so if the glitch wouldn't be around for a while. Really, these idiots were trying to make this difficult! Hopefully, the spot he chose would be hidden enough to keep those nosy flies away!

What if someone else found his adorable little fox and tried to take it from him?!

Sighing Wang shook the thoughts away and continued to work at setting up his own area of control. Since he was no longer restricted from the game, he could honestly make this world into something even greater. The limits a game held made it hard to truly become the highest power, but now he was free to live in this world with his lovely wife with no one to oppose him!