Chapter 26

In the Unnamed Forest of Forgotten Souls, a flash of lightning struck the earth. The surrounding area darkened into ash before an egg appeared.

It wasn't small, nor large. The white egg held traces of golden ruins on it, as it rested in a peaceful slumber. Within said egg, Ai was waiting to be reborn.

His mind was blank and for the second time since being brought to this world, his memory was stripped clean of his past life.

This time, however, Ai's bloodline was active from the start. His race's knowledge that he wasn't able to learn about from the first awakening soaked into his mind. As was the knowledge that had long been forgotten in this world, both spirit beasts and cultivators information was rammed into his brain.

After Ai was able to absorb this information, the egg let out a beautiful white light before finally breaking allowing Ai to leave the egg.

The naked body of a young being that appeared to be around 8 or 9 weakly stood up. Long White hair flowed down their back. Just looking at the beautiful jade skin, and soft silky light locks of hair, one would assume this beautiful being would be a fair from heaven, a soft and innocent young girl.

Though if you looked closer, said beauty was male. His face was small and even at such a young age, would bring all men to lose themselves within the beauty. Body slim and fair, with unblemished skin so white, it was as if kissed by snow. Truly a being worthy of heaven's grace.

Different from Ai's original body, and that of the body he held before, Ai's eyes were a breathtaking Silver. This was the sign of the rebirth.

Tilting his head, Ai let his eyes wander around as he finally gained his bearings. This rebirth allowed him to be born anew, with no knowledge of his old life, with no qualms or any issues with this new world. His bloodline allowed him to know things about this new world that other players trapped here would need years to figure out.

Pressing the lush pale ombré lips together, the young lad tried to sort his mind. For some odd reason, though forgetting everything, two things appeared in his mind. Imprinted in a way that even the gods couldn't remove.

That was his name, 'Ai Yui' as well as another name... It was normal to remember one's name, due to it being a new life, with the same soul within the same lifetime. However, the other name made his heart tremble with an odd emotion.

It was as if this other person had some hold over his heart, but the feeling was something he wasn't sure how to explain.

From his inherited memories, the only logical thing he could come up with was that this name belongs to whomever his soul was matched to. Thus, his Soul mate.

But if he had a soul mate, then why did he rebirth? It normally only happened when the heart and body were not in alignment. Or, his soul was rejecting something that was destined.

Yes, Hiu was right that Ai's soul and bloodline were not in sync. however, this was due to Ai's heart's refusal of accepting his soulmate.

Sure he didn't know they were meant to be. This, however, was the cause of the rebirth. The issue with his soul and bloodline finally reached the breaking point as his heart was unable to accept his soulmate.

Ah! If only Wang had tried a little harder on making Ai accept him before the force of marriage! Then the rebirth wouldn't have been needed. Instead, Ai would have just needed to repair his Soul to sync with the bloodline!

The young Spirit beast had no ideas of this though, so he just pushed the name to the back of his mind as he felt the spiritual air around him. Sure he had knowledge passed down on to him, though this knowledge was rather old and Ai wasn't really sure where he was at this point in time. This land had changed since the last time a Heavenly Fox had been born to the lower realm.

He was pleased that his spiritual power was reliably good. Just born and he was already a Spiritual Emperor of the third rank!

Ah, then he wouldn't need too much longer to reach Spirit God and break through to the next stage of cultivation!

Yes, that is correct. In this world, for spirit beasts, the highest rank of Spirit God was only the beginning to a higher realm of cultivation!

Glancing down at himself, Ai took note of his own body before slowly making his way through the forest. He had no worries and wanted to explore this new world of his. He knew he had a 'rebirth' though as for the cause or anything with his past life other than the names, he didn't care.

He would enjoy himself while in this Realm before continuing on as all his ancestors did. Leading the way to help promote other Spiritual beasts along the way! Oh, and if his Soul Mate was in this realm, he should probably find them too...

This, however, was not too much of an issue for the young Ai. He might have been one with great knowledge, but he was still that of an 8-9-year-old boy!

Who needed soul mates bah! He would be just fine on his own. hmmph!

Thus, the little boy quickly changed into his fox form and hurried off into the forest. He had all the time in the world to enjoy this lower realm before taking his journey to the next realm.

Besides, his little heart was excited to see all the wondrous things these lower realm mortals were doing now! His knowledge from the bloodline showed him some interesting things!

Fireworks, good food, many beautiful things to see and eat! What more, Ai was free to do whatever he wished! There would be no rules or restraints!

He wasn't sure why, but his heart felt rather elated at the idea of being 'free'. Did something maybe happen in his other life? Hmn. Oh well!