Chapter 29

Ai looked at the boy for a while as he tried to think. Sure he wasn't your average child, having a great deal of knowledge was enough to allow him to be alone, but he was still a kid. He wanted to have fun, and enjoy life. Not always worry about all the little things.

So when the boy before him seemed to not have any ill-intent, Ai made his way out of the bush, still crawling.

He sat just side the area of the bush, his expression still unsure as he held a bit of hope of maybe making a friend.

These days since his birth, he'd only been able to play around with the Jade butterflies or other smaller spirit beasts that weren't aware of the hidden agreement to keep a distance of a heavenly spirit.

Ai's hair thankfully managed to cover the important parts as he leaned forward, sniffing the air around the boy... It made him seem even more innocent and cute.

The young boy blinked a few times as he watched Ai crawl out, his gaze lowering to see the naked boy before a light blush bloomed on his cheeks. He quickly turned his head as he stammered "Y-you..clothes...ah" It wasn't every day one was faced with a beauty that was naked, even if they were so young!

The boy took off his outer robe before moving to place it over Ai's shoulders, careful not to startle him.

Ai wasn't sure what he was doing, still hesitant as he felt the crude fabric being draped over his shoulders. He was a spirit beast, so clothes weren't something he thought about.

He shifted, pulling the larger robe to hide his small body. He then looked back to the boy before letting out a bright smile. This boy surely would be a good person if he cared about such things as him being naked right?

"The Jades are friends," he stated as if trying to explain himself. As if to prove the little fox's words, the Jade that had rushed away finally returned with more butterflies, them all hurrying over to hover over Ai as if wanting to protect him.

The boy was taken back as he watched the insects before letting out a laugh. "Oh, okay... Sorry." he then started rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

Ai nodded before lightly tapping one of the Jades closer to him before letting them go off. They were rare, and normally people would try to catch them for medical purposes or to make vibrant blue inks.

They hurried off, finally assured that Ai wasn't in danger. Further, in the forest some other stronger spirit beasts stayed hidden, watching the boy with a dangerous look.

They would have normally gone over to end the human's life at this point, but if the Holy Spirit beast was happy with him around, they wouldn't act unless needed.

Unknown of the dangers he was in, the boy shifted to sit before Ai, his face still a light red from embarrassment as he cleared his throat. "Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm Haru Ling," he said with a slight smile, not really sure what else to say.

Ai nodded before shifting. "Ai...Uh, why are you here" it was spoken softly, and the voice was light and beautiful to listen to.

Ling smiled as he nodded at the name before tilting his head. "Well, I often sneak in to find plants and other items that are needed in the village," he stated. Sure people feared the forest but they still needed medical plants and other things such as meat or other things to eat.

Trading only did so much, and a lot of the lesser families would often find it hard to get enough to eat. Ling found that if he stayed on the edges of the forest he'd be able to get just enough for his small family to be able to eat.

His mother was weak due to being pregnant and his father struggled with the hard labor he did for the village head. Often helping with building or repairing parts of the village.

Ai tried to recall a village in his mind, though nothing came to mind. So he still wasn't sure where he was. He then sighed inside his heart before shifting again.

"Can...Can I see the village?" he then asked. He wanted to see fireworks and eat good food that wasn't in the forest. It would be where people were. Ling was the first person he had found in this forest.

Ling wasn't expecting the question so he stared at Ai for a moment before he smiled. "Of course! I'll show you around!" he said before standing up and helping Ai get up.

Ai was glad that he wasn't refused. Though both paused for a moment as Ling looked at the small boy huddled in a robe too large for his size.

"First, we should get you some clothes that fit." he then stated, his gaze lingered on Ai's slim and fair neck. It was rather noticeable with the overly large robe making it appear more sensual.

Ai shrugged, he didn't really mind about that. In his fox form, he didn't need clothes, so he wasn't sure why it was that big of a deal. Besides, he was aware that he was male, so why would another male seem to make it a huge deal.

With a plan in mind, Ling led Ai out of the forest, being sure to keep his focus on the bushes and other areas so as to not be attacked by a larger spirit beast. It was the outskirts of the forest, but still dangerous if one didn't pay mind to it.

After leaving the forest, Ling led the way to the small village that was protected by a rather sad looking fence wall before leading him to a small shack-like house around the outer area of the village.

"This is my home, hold on a bit," Ling said before heading inside to find his mother. She would surely have something that Ai would be able to wear yeah? His mom often kept old clothes that were discarded by others, so she could use the fabrics to make other things.

Ai waited outside before Ling walked back out, this time a slightly older looking woman, maybe in her late 20 comes out, her belly was rounded and clearly about due.

Ling smiled before introducing Ai to his mother, the mother smiling softly before leading Ai inside the little shack to help him change into something more suited for his size. The woman didn't question where a strange little boy came from since all round is just the unnamed forest.