Chapter 33

----- Wang's Point of view ----

Whoever said that those who ran everything had anything they wished lied.

Wang at this moment felt his head throbbing with an awfully large headache. His fingers pressing into his temples as he rubbed them.

Letting out a sigh he slowly opened his eyes to look down at the cluster of advisers and other personnel that were currently all arguing with one another and stating all the issues wrong with the new court or Wang's intent on leaving to go and inspect the lands.

They didn't mind the inspection, but rather... They didn't like how Little Sho would be taken over as the temp ruler while Wang would be gone.

Honestly! Why did they have to push his buttons every single day?! The only reason they were now an empire instead of that lousy sect with no standings was due to Little Sho!

He was the one that changed Wang's thoughts on how he wanted to get stronger. He also helped him from going insane!

It was Little Sho's father who stopped the dark seeds in his heart from spreading, and it was Little Sho himself that made him realize how to take the matter of Ai's disappearance and make something out of it.

Little Sho had no wish to replace Wang unlike these other old fools, who would pretend to take care of the empire but secretly take it over.

Little Sho's goal was simple, he wanted to make a new world where his family wouldn't have to hide themselves from the world.

Wang was promising and gave him hope to have a country that would accept them, his Father, sister, mother. They would all be safe!

Wang slammed his hand onto the table, his eyes narrowing as he watched all those old fools startled.

When they were all quiet and looking at him, Wang stood up with a great imposing aura oozing from him.

"I will say it once more. I am the Emperor, What I wish is what will happen. You all are to do minor things, not to 'advise' me into doing what you want. I Don't care what you think of Little Sho, he'll be the one taking this throne while I am out."

His tone was soft and quiet. His eyes go to each person in the room. "If I come back and find you all bullied or harmed Little Sho in some way, or ignored his wishes for this Empire. You will all die."

Little Sho sighed as he shook his head, he knew that Wang's temper was a harsh thing, and these old fools were always trying to push it!

After he finished, speaking, Wang flicked his robe's sleeve and turned to leave. He ignored the older fools that recovered the quickest.

Heading to the main courtyard, Wang's eyes ran over the many buildings that were still being built.

His palace at the moment was still in the process of being built. The Throne room was the only area that was finished enough for actual use. Can't really hold morning court, without the court.

Little Sho had hurried out after him, now he was standing behind looking out at the area before them. "You didn't have to," he said in a tone that was hard to hear. "Threatening them I mean. Now hurry off. If you take too long to leave, I'm sure they'll find another reason to hold you off."

Wang smiled at the boy before nodding. He then hurried down the stairs to the party that was waiting to escort him to 'inspect' islands.

Sitting in the emperor's carriage, he gave the orders for them to set off. His mood for the first time these few years were finally uplifted. His love was reborn and waiting for him! He would go and search this whole world to find him!

The only issue with their plans on his 'inspection' of land was that Wang's new Empire was only 1/3rd of the southern part of this lower realm. There were plenty of Empires and his being known, and one of the smallest wasn't something that would help him be able to look through the whole world to find Ai.

With his move of leaving his palace to inspect his lands, other rulers found out along with other sects that had heard of the changes of this place. They all wanted to see what this new ruler was like.

To find out if they would be friend or foe. There were many eyes on Wang, but all he cared about was finding his wife!

His inspection seemed legit, though he just traveled around his Empire while getting some servants to get information about the villages, he rarely appeared before his people himself. Well...

Maybe due to the fact that he had another servant sitting in his carriage pretending to be him while he was off looking in person for his wife.

He walked through the towns and villages, taking in the people and all around as he looked.

To be honest he probably did a better job of inspecting his lands alone while looking for his wife then he would have in the group of servants and guards.

Wang was about to give up on this city that was overly loud. His heart dropping for a moment as he thought of not being able to find his love for a few more years!

However, as he turned around he found someone rushing into his chest. By reflex, he caught the small body that seemed started.

Looking down, he stared at the white-haired beauty that looked back up at him, foreign silver eyes rested on the face Wang had known so well.