Chapter 45

Wang shifted to lightly pet the other, trying to sooth the ruffled fluff. "What's wrong Ai?" he asked still not sure why his wife was suddenly so annoyed with him, he hadn't even done anything yet?

Ai glared at the other but didn't resist the soft pets, he actually found it rather pleasing. Hrmm.. he needed to readjust his thinking it seemed. "Y-you defy logic!" he then stated as if it was only a matter of course.

Though with the blank expression the other gave, Ai was sure he still didn't understand. "W-we did that....and leveled up more." he said finally admitting his annoyance. Why wasn't his level as wonderful ah?! He was weaker now!

It took Wang a moment to realize what the little guy was going on about, when he finally understood he couldn't help but start to laugh, though he quickly stopped himself when he saw the glare from the little beauty.

"Ai, are you upset now because of that? Silly.." he said shaking his head. "I had been stuck at a bottleneck for a long while, so it's natural that when I finally break through all the repressed cultivation would seep through." he said as if it was only a slight truffle.

Ai looked at the other before thinking for a moment, that did seem reasonable. He slowly nodded before squirming slightly so that he could jump into the others lap, nuzzling himself their. "Whatever, Still hateful." he said, still trying to pretend to be upset.

Wang was still in a state of pleasure and confusion. He truly didn't understand what his little wife was going on about ah? It was obvious he should be the one with higher strength ah! He still needed to be able to please his wife with his skills, yeah?

Lightly petting the little thing, Wang shifted to holding the other to his chest before getting up. "Well no matter, let's go get some food, you slept in so late it's nearly passed lunch" he stated.

Ai allowed the other to hold him, his body still sore and not wanting to do much. Besides, the cause for all his troubles was the male who held him, so make him work off his debts!

It didn't take long before the palace servants quickly brought in some food for the two to eat, making sure their gazes remained lowered. Though, a few were confused how their Empress had turned from a beauty to a little adorable fox?