Chapter 57

Despite the frustration of wanting some action, but not getting any, Wang allowed Ai to sleep without bothering him. Instead he simply just laid with him, holding the smaller body in his arm before falling into his own restful slumber.

The following days mimicked the later, as they worked to both further their own cultivation. Neither party seemed to be upset at the arrangements made. The only drawback was that Wang seemed to be unable to get any of the 'action' he wished for.

It wasn't until he could no longer bear it, that Ai finally gave in and allowed Wang to 'eat' until he was completely satisfied.

The following morning, Ai was left helpless as he felt that his waist would snap if he tried to move. "You overdid it!" he cried with a watered gaze. However, despite his pitiful expression, Wang was in a blissful mood as he nuzzled against the youths neck, holding him in his embrace.

"Don't complain ba! I went so long without getting to enjoy you, at least let me have my fill ah?" he stated as if it was obvious he'd 'over indulge'. "Besides, It was you who had pushed me past my limits ah? Don't make me wait so long.'' His tone had an odd tone. It was as if Wang was blaming Ai for his own actions?

Flushed with embarrassment and anger, Ai pouted as he fiddled with the sheet covering him. "But that's always over do it." he muttered mostly to himself, feeling helpless.

Wang laughed slightly as he moved to kiss the others neck again. "That's because you are just so hard to resist ah? Plus, your lustful cries and expressions. I just can't get enough ba!"

Feeling himself get even more annoyed, Ai just grunted as he moved to push the other way, he didn't want to deal with this damnable scum! "I want to sleep more, go away!" he cried out, wanting to hide.

Having realized he pushed his lover a bit too far, Wang rubbed his nose as he got up, not at all bashful over the fact that he was still naked as he moved to go wash up. "I'll come get you for breakfast later." he called out over his shoulder.

Ignoring the larger male, Ai just pushed the other to the back of his mind as he snuggled back into his bed, letting his body rest a bit more as he swiftly fell back to sleep. He'd have to make sure that the other really did suffer ah?! Maybe next time he'd make sure the other couldn't 'enjoy' his body for much longer no?

The issue Wang was always too forceful ah? There was no way to resist if the larger male wanted to get some action. He would only be teased and tormented until he agreed ba!

Once Ai had rested enough, Wang finally returned to help him wash up and dress, only to carry the youth whose legs could no longer hold him up, to the main area of the cave. Setting him down at the makeshift 'table'.

After eating, the two then once more lazed about for a moment as they adjusted their mindset into testing their own cultivation.

Though they hadn't made any 'breakthroughs' to the next level of cultivation, both felt that they were close to that point. Each reaching the peak stage of the Qi Gathering and Mortal flesh.

Having separate cultivation for both body and spirit was a new feeling for Wang, who was constantly testing out the difference between his power now, and what it had been before. Though this world still held 'bugs' from their world, it was easy to see the differences now that he was no longer 'glitched'. Thankfully they'd been sent to an area where there were no powers stronger than himself ah!

Without the previous issues in cultivation, he was sure he'd be able to soon reach the highest peaks in this world. Once he did so, not only could he assist Ai in his plans, but they could also settle down and just spend their days together like a normal married couple ah? As cultivators, they'd be able to spend many lifetimes together.

Dazed in his own fantasies, Wang didn't notice that Ai had adjusted himself to standing, wobbling his way to the refining room. "I'll be practicing some more so go get some herbs!" he called out Wang after reaching the path to his 'refining' room.

Wang, pulled from his thoughts, blinked a few times before turning to look at the empty seat with a frown, before looking to Ai. "Okay. Though we should maybe leave here soon. We can't just level up here forever ah?" he stated.

Though they were safe and the only other creatures were either Spiritual Beasts or other Beasts that were trapped here, it wasn't like they could just stay forever. With this in mind, they should at least start making arrangements to return from this 'realm' and head back.

Ai nodded before turning back around and heading out. Though he understood that, he did want a bit more understanding of pill making. What more, he'd only opened his spiritual beads up a few days before. He felt it was too soon, and didn't want to rush things.

Feeling Ai's reluctance, Wang let the conversation drop before he moved to go out, doing as requested and gathering more herbs for the smaller male. They could always bring the conversation back up again when it was time. Anyways, at least he'd still be able to enjoy Ai whenever he wanted him right?

Thus the two once more went about cultivating while slowly looking for a means to 'leave' this hidden realm. Each passing day, they grew stronger, having a deeper understanding of their own cultivation as well as cultivation in general.

When the barrier, keeping the Hidden Realm sealed, finally broke, the rush of spiritual energy and beasts that had been locked up finally rushed out. Both Wang and Ai were standing at the center of what used to be the hidden realm, looking at one another with a blank expression.

Ah, that seemed to have been too simple? Only having gotten to the Soul Forming, Foundation cultivation level, they had only needed to solve a simple riddle to break the barrier. There was no grand show of strength, nor any dangerous paths. Just a simple, childish puzzle!