Why don't you ask me out instead? (EDITED)

"You don't sound like my sister-in-law, who are you?" The man inquired from the other line.

"Well, you don't sound like Lu Yifeng, so who are you?" Li Bingbing asked back. Although she wasn't sure about that, one thing Li Bingbing knew that Lu Yifeng's voice won't sound so lively.

Xia Meilin felt like she heard this voice before. Where did she hear it?

"I asked the question first so you have to answer me." The man huffed, "Where is my sister-in-law?"

Xia Meilin suddenly remembered the owner of the voice. It was actually Lu Xian Yu! She met him back then in London, she has even mistaken him as Lu Yifeng.

"She's obviously here with me. Where is Lu Yifeng?" Li Bingbing was returning every question he asked and this was starting to annoy him.

Since he keeps on mentioning 'sister-in-law', Li Bingbing could easily guess who he was. It was none other than, Lu Yifeng's twin brother.

"I'm not going to answer that until I hear her voice. What if you're actually a thief?"

"A thief?" Li Bingbing scoffed, "Hah! If I was one, I would go steal for a better phone than this. Besides, my phone is better than this so duh, why would I steal a phone that is lame as this?"

Xia Meilin sighed with how Li Bingbing retorted. How could she insult her phone this way?

She was getting hungry that was why she decided to ask Li Bingbing, "I'm going to order now, have you decided on what to eat?"

Hearing Xia Meilin's voice, Lu Xian Yu's face brightened up. "Sister-in-law! You, whoever you are, pass the phone to my sister-in-law."

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes. "She didn't ask for you so why should I?" She looked at Xia Meilin, "Order the usual for me."

"You're not the one I wanted to talk to, hand the phone to her!"

Xia Meilin nodded, ignoring Lu Xian Yu. She turned to the waitress that was quietly standing on the side.

"Sorry, I'm in charge of her phone right now so you have to speak through me." Li Bingbing held her glass of wine that was poured for her earlier. "So babe, why do you have Lu Yifeng's phone with you?"

While Xia Meilin was ordering for them, Li Bingbing continued on chatting with Lu Xian Yu.

Lu Xian Yu chuckled with the way Li Bingbing addressed him.

This woman was interesting, he never met someone who was bold enough to speak to him this way. Doesn't she know who he was?

"He's currently in a meeting and he left his phone here. So now, will you please give back the phone to the owner?" This time, he asked nicely.

"Meimei, do you want your phone back?" Li Bingbing asked as she turned to Xia Meilin.

"No, thanks." She has nothing to say to him and since she was not a talkative person to someone she wasn't close to, she would probably end the call at once. Xia Meilin decided to leave it to her best friend. "Just ask him why he called."

"Hear that, babe?" Li Bingbing was actually curious to know what kind of person Lu Xian Yu was, after all, he was one handsome man and he was known to be famous. He dated a lot of celebrities and yet, none of them stuck long with him. All those poor girls got their hearts broken.

"I feel hurt~" He sulked. "I was planning to ask her out for a dinner. I didn't expect to get a rejection all at once from my idol."

"She's a married woman and her husband is your brother. Your brother will not like it if he hears you say this. Why don't you ask me out instead?" Li Bingbing smirked, "I'm available~"

Lu Xian Yu laughed lightly. He wasn't expecting the woman on the phone to be so direct. He liked and preferred straightforward women than those women who would act so shy around him when the lust in their eyes was so obvious. He would usually make the first move for them and it was quite boring for him. "Hm, I'll ask you out if you give me your name, sweetheart."

"Where's the fun in that? Give me the address of the place and I'll go there. You'll know me once you see me." Li Bingbing's expression was different with how she sounded. She may have sounded so lively but her face had a bored look on it.