You must make it up to me!

As usual, Li Bingbing was playing her game the whole time. And she won a couple of matches without noticing what time it was.

After winning another game, she gathered her rewards. Although, while she was doing so, the game disappeared and Kozu's cat-like face appeared on the screen.

"You have a visitor. He'll be ringing the doorbell within ten seconds." He notified as he looked at her with a blank look.

"... 'He'?" Li Bingbing was confused.

While she was thinking who it could be, she heard the doorbell rang.

"Scan him and tell me his name." Li Bingbing said as she stood up from her seat. There was no way someone would visit her at this time of the night.

It could be her neighbor or a stranger, maybe a murderer? There were so many possibilities on who her visitor could be.

Li Bingbing wasn't scared even if someone tried to sneak into her house since her place was well guarded. She took a pepper spray bottle and kept it in her pocket before she went out of her room.

"His name is Lu Xian Yu. He is the brother of your best friend's husband, Lu Yifeng. Lu Xian Yu is taller than his brother by an inch, his height is 6'2. He has slept with countless of girls since high school. He works as an assassin and he killed 125 people this year..." Kozu trailed off.

"Woah... is he here to kill you?" Kozu asked. "Should I wake up Kuro and Seb?"

"..." He actually came to her place?! How did he learn her address? Did Xia Meilin sell her out? No... that can't be possible... she knew Xia Meilinwell, her lips are well sealed. But who could have given her address to Lu Xian Yu?

Other than Xia Meilin, the only person who accompanied her was her bodyguard! That d*mn old man! How dare he?!

She was brought back from her thoughts by another sound of the doorbell.

"Bing, should I call for the police?" Kozu asked worriedly.

"No need, I know him. He won't do anything since I am his sister-in-law's best friend." She stretched out her arms and bent her waist as if she was warming up for something.

"You should change into something appropriate." He reminded.

Li Bingbing took her glasses off and placed it on top of the shoe rack. "Why should I? This won't take long."

"..." Should he call Sei? She would only listen to Sei.

Without further ado, she opened the door and gave her best smile towards the tall and handsome-looking man that was standing outside.

She was pleased by his handsome features. She never expected that he'll look different from the photos she saw but it was a turnoff that the man standing before her was a playboy. "Hi, babe~"

This was the same voice that Lu Xian Yu heard from the call they shared earlier. The dark expression he had on his face disappeared and was replaced by a surprised look.

The girl's honey-sweet voice was like a music to his ears. Standing in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She wore the same attire when Xia Meilin visited her; bra and shorts.

The girl was stunningly gorgeous, like a painting of a goddess brought to life. She smiled sweetly at him, her eyes sparkling like stars flaunted on the night sky.

He has seen girls prettier than her but, he never saw eyes like hers. Staring unto them made him drown.

She walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him down to her level and caught his lips, giving him a soft kiss.

She acted like he wasn't a stranger to her and as if this wasn't their first time meeting.

Lu Xian Yu was snapped back to reality when she pulled away from him. Her lips were really soft... he wanted to feel them more.

"I'm so sorry if I wasn't able to go earlier, you see, I took care of something important. My boss gave me a sudden report to finish that... I wasn't able to realize the time." She was stroking his chest with a finger while looking pitifully at him.

Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but gulp at this, he was being turned on by how seductive she looked like right now.

His eyes darkened as he let out a smirk. He placed his hand on her waist, "Don't worry, I don't really mind it. That's why I decided to come and pay you a visit instead, honey."

A smile that started in her eyes, lighted up her face and this made her looked so angelic! "I'm so happy~ I was really worried that you'll get mad at me for not arriving, but now you're here, I can't help but be relieved."

"Ahh... You must make it up to me, you know. I waited for hours." He pouted, caressing her bare waist. "How about you invite me in your place? After all, you're included on my list of things to do tonight."