See? You should have allowed me to fill you up instead

Inside Li Bingbing's room...

Lu Xian Yu was happy that he was able to meet a girl like her, a girl that has finally reached his standards. He no longer had anything to hold him back and she didn't stop him. Like a sudden downpour of rain, he kissed every part of her body.

But Li Bingbing didn't allow him to dominate her until the end. She pushed him away before she made him lie on her bed as she went on top of him.

She moved and started kissing his body instead, she kissed and teased him all over.

"Li Bingbing!" Lu Xian Yu breathed out when she pinched his nipples.

Li Bingbing smirked as she pushed Lu Xian Yu back to the bed, she wasn't allowing him to get up, "It's only normal for the owners to entertain their visitors so please stay still~"

Lu Xian Yu narrowed his eyes, he was used in dominating the girls in bed and yet for some reason, he found it amusing to be dominated by Li Bingbing at that moment.

She trailed his well-built body with her kisses, slowly into his hardened rod.

Lu Xian Yu groaned when he felt her soft touch against. She wrapped her soft hands around it before leaned and swirled her tongue at his tip.


"Not yet," Li Bingbing said with a smirk before she took his cock in her mouth, making Lu Xian Yu groan out again. She licked and sucked his long rod like a lollipop. She heard an inaudible moan coming from him when she did.

Lu Xian Yu's breathing accelerated as his grunts became more frequent when Li Bingbing started pumping him in and out of her mouth.

When Li Bingbing felt that his rod was almost at his limit she stopped which made Lu Xian Yu glare at her in frustration.

Li Bingbing tapped his tip with a finger and smirked, "You can't release it yet." She wasn't going to allow him to release it in her mouth.

She went and took a condom from her bedside drawer.

Lu Xian Yu wanted to take her so bad but he tried his best to control his urges when he saw her placed it on his cock. She looked at him with a smile before she went on top of him and positioned his throbbing rod in front of her entrance.

When she slipped it in her, she arched her back and let out a moan in pleasure. Lu Xian Yu felt the warmth of her tight walls around him and this made him grunt.

When Li Bingbing started riding him, the sound of pants and moans were heard as the couple's body were connected to each other. Li Bingbing closed her eyes as she let the feeling of pleasure take over her body.

Meanwhile, Lu Xian Yu was looking at the wild girl that was riding him, watching her breasts bounce in front of him.

"Ahh... yes, right there..."

Li Bingbing opened her eyes and looked at Lu Xian Yu. Despite being dominated by her, he looked at her like a predator.

Sweats were rolling down their bodies and the room was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere. This pleasurable moment was something they both enjoyed.

It has been three years since Li Bingbing was last able to feel a man's body. She wasn't a shy person, she won't shy down even when having sex with the opposite partner. Whenever she was doing it with another man, she was bold and would always try to dominate them.

When the two of them reached their climax, Li Bingbing went off him and went to lie down beside him as she panted heavily.

Lu Xian Yu took off the condom filled with his warm fluids from his rod and threw it in the trashcan before he turned to Li Bingbing, he reached out and stroked her hair, "That was amazing."

Just when he said that a loud rumble coming from her stomach was heard.

Lu Xian Yu raised a brow in amusement, "See? You should have allowed me to fill you up instead."

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

When Li Bingbing was about to get off the bed, she was pulled back by Lu Xian Yu, "You may be done with me but who said that I was done with you?"

It was just having sex and enjoyment for both of them. Having romantic feelings, being in a committed relationship with each other was something they didn't want.

No strings attached, that was the agreement that they made with each other. Whoever would fall in love first would be the loser in this game.