Babe, let's change seats

Lu Xian Yu stared at the 2D faces on her screen in amusement. So they were the ones who were talking earlier?

So she created them... to be able to create something like that was really amazing.

Sebby and Kuro were programmed with much difficulty and so was Kozu who he hasn't met yet. Only someone genius could create something like that. For them to have to be programmed with different characteristics was simply too astonishing!

"Kozu, Sei, you come forward too." Li Bingbing ordered.

On the other screen, Kozu and Sei's faces appeared.

Kuro turned to Kozu and Sei, "You two weren't logged off by her earlier, what did they do?"

"I was not around." Sei simply answered with a blank look on his face.

"I closed my eyes and left," Kozu said as he turned away from him. When he heard that Li Bingbing was planning to have sex with Lu Xian Yu, he went out since he didn't want to watch them get naked in front of him.

"Okay, everyone, meet my new 'friend', Lu Xian Yu." Li Bingbing introduced. "Mr. Lu, meet Sei, Kozu, Kuro, and Sebby, they are four husbands."

Lu Xian Yu raised a brow, "Husbands?"

"Yes, they are my security system." Then Li Bingbing started telling him how the 2D husbands of hers were programmed. While she was doing so, she decided to reprogram Sebby and Kuro since they kept on complaining about Lu Xian Yu.

Li Bingbing's fingers moved swiftly on the keyboard as she typed.

Just by seeing how she worked on the computer, Lu Xian Yu was convinced that Li Bingbing wasn't an ordinary woman.


In the end, Lu Xian Yu gave up and allowed Li Bingbing to help him in the mission he was about to take.

After taking a bath, Li Bingbing wore a simple plain blue shirt and jeans short.

Lu Xian Yu was already dressed up into a new set of clothes that one of his men brought for him. He was wearing black pants and a navy blue inner shirt with a grey cashmere coat on top.

When he saw Li Bingbing's attire, he frowned." Can't you dress into something appropriate for our date? Or do you just have a bad fashion sense?"

Li Bingbing scoffed, "I can wear anything I want and in the end, I would still look good."

He walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her slim waist, "Why yes, of course, you would still look good but can't you wear something... sexier than this? You're going to accompany me tonight you know."

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes before she pushed him away, "Do you want me to wear bra and panty there instead?"

Lu Xian Yu smirked, "Oh? Are you brave enough to do that?"


Upon arriving in one of the biggest bars in the city, loud music was heard and neon lights filled the place.

There were people dancing and some were watching a woman in white lacy underwear dancing around the pole that was on stage.

What kind of meeting place was this? It was so noisy and crowded.

Lu Xian Yu was leading Li Bingbing to the table that was reserved for them and the people who saw them couldn't help but admire their beautiful features.

Li Bingbing was wearing a sexy lace back dress that was just a few inches above her knees. Since her hair was already and curly, she didn't style it anymore. Her eye make up were light but her lipstick was so red that made her look bitchy.

When Lu Xian Yu saw a man sitting on the reserved table with a slutty looking woman, the usual empty smile was plastered on his lips.

"Good evening, Mr. Long." Lu Xian Yu greeted.

The man raised his head and looked at the person who greeted him, "You're late." He said with a cold look on his face.

Lu Xian Yu laughed lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I saw an old woman crossing the street so I decided to help-"

"That reason again?"

"What other reason can I give?" Lu Xian Yu chuckled before she went and sat with them.

The woman was eyeing Lu Xian Yu with lustful eyes but she remained close to Long Wei. Lu Xian Yu was a really handsome man and his beauty couldn't even be compared to the middle-aged man that was beside her.

Long Wei noticed Li Bingbing's presence and seeing how beautiful she was, he ended up staring at her instead. "Is she... your new woman?"

Lu Xian Yu laughed lightly at this, "You can say that."

Li Bingbing was playing her role by acting like a spoiled rich woman to Lu Xian Yu. When she was introduced to Long Wei, she just gave him a smile before she turned to Lu Xian Yu. "Babe, let's change seats. I don't want you sitting beside Mr. Long's whore."

Qin Nansheng, the woman who was sitting in between Lu Xian Yu and Long Wei turned to Li Bingbing with a glare. "What did you say?"

Lu Xian Yu wanted to facepalm himself, they just arrived and yet, Li Bingbing was already starting a war. He should have told her to act like a patient and quiet princess instead.