She was one of my exes

Lu Xian Yu raised a brow, "How could I?"

Besides, the one who fell first was the loser and he would never allow something like that to happen. He never lost a game so he was not going to lose this one as well.

He leaned kissed her near her collarbone, the scent of sweet pea coming from her entered his nostrils and it was intoxicating him.

It was already late in the morning and yet, his appetite for her was big. He usually got easily tired with other women that was why he never slept more than twice with the same girl but with Li Bingbing, her boldness and shameless suggestions were too amusing to him.

"Babe, I'm hungry, can we do this later?" Li Bingbing was not in the mood to go for another round with him the moment she remembered Xia Sinian.

Her heart tightened in pain when she thought of him, what could he be doing now? Was he fucking some other woman too?

The only thing that she heard from him from the News were things related to the Xia company.

She pushed Lu Xian Yu away before she got off the bed.

Lu Xian Yu noticed the changes in Li Bingbing that's why he couldn't help asking her, "What's wrong?"

"Are you deaf? I just said that I'm hungry." She picked her bra and wore it. She stood there in her underwear in front of Lu Xian Yu.

"Bingbing, Qiao Man is here."

After Kozu announced that, the door of Li Bingbing's room went open.

"Bingbing, I have brought you some..." Qiao Man trailed off as her eyes went wide in surprise when she saw a handsome man, wearing nothing but boxers on Li Bingbing's bed.

"What... the hell..."

Li Bingbing grinned when she saw Qiao Man, "Manman, you're here!" She went and was about to pounce on her but Qiao Man took a step on the side to evade her.

Li Bingbing's body was covered with love bites which gave Qiao Man an idea that the two people in the room had sex with each other.

"Why did you dodged my hug?" Li Bingbing pouted as she tried to jump on her again but once again, Qiao Man evaded her.

"What is Lu Xian Yu doing here?" Qiao Man asked with a cold look on her face.

Li Bingbing blinked a few times, "You know him?"

Lu Xian Yu, who was quiet the whole time got off the bed in a calm manner, "She was one of my exes."

A loud gasp was heard from Li Bingbing, "Whaaaat? You guys have a history?"

Qiao Man scoffed, "Ex? What ex are you talking about?"

Li Bingbing's eyes sparkled when she heard this, she was curious about what happened between them, "I definitely need to hear this!"

Qiao Man looked at Li Bingbing like she was a crazy girl. Instead of becoming wary of her, Li Bingbing's eyes didn't have any sign of hate in them... wait, wasn't Li Bingbing always a crazy girl?

Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but chuckle when he saw how Li Bingbing reacted, she was definitely something. Just by seeing her react this way made him realize that Li Bingbing's feelings for him were really like an empty glass.

"We never dated even once, although he was just someone who I fell in love with. We had sex and he dumped me the very next day." Qiao Man said while looking at Lu Xian Yu before she turned to Li Bingbing, "That was all that happened between us. I have no feelings for him anymore since then so you can be rest assured, that was already years ago."

"So it was just a one-day relationship between you two?" Li Bingbing pouted. She turned to Lu Xian Yu, she walked toward him and was about to kick him on his cock but Lu Xian Yu was fast enough to hold her leg to stop her.

"What the hell-"

A crispy slap resounded in the room.

"Woman, are you crazy?!" Lu Xian Yu glared at Li Bingbing after receiving a slap from her. Whenever it came to Li Bingbing, he would usually lower his guard around her that was why Li Bingbing was able to hit him by giving a surprise.

Li Bingbing sneered, "That's for playing around with Manman's heart!" She raised her hand and was about to hit him again but Lu Xian Yu didn't allow her to hit him again.

"Come Manman, I've got him cornered, come and hit him!"

Lu Xian Yu looked at Li Bingbing in disbelief. Who got who cornered?

Qiao Man sighed heavily before she turned away, "Just go get yourselves cleaned up already. I have prepared food for lunch."

She left them there then. As much as possible, Qiao Man didn't want to get herself involved with Lu Xian Yu anymore ever since he broke her heart.

Just by looking at how Lu Xian Yu and Li Bingbing interacted with each other, Qiao Man was already able to tell how well they were getting along with each other.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Xian Yu carried Li Bingbing like a sack over his shoulder before he started walking toward the bathroom.

"Lu Xian Yu! Put me down!" Li Bingbing roared while hitting his broad back.

He slapped her butt and smirked, "You heard Qiao Man, she said that we need to get ourselves cleaned up so behave now, honey."