Seriously, a bee?

Instead of feeling touched with how Lu Xian Yu spent his money for her, Li Bingbing felt the opposite. She didn't felt anything for it, she wasn't even grateful for it since things like those didn't interest her.

To be honest, she was happy when she received roses from him earlier, she found it sweet for him to give her one but when she was thought that he probably have done the same to other girls and that she was beginning to get soft with him, she ruined those roses. Did he think that she would go easy on him just because he was doing the same thing that he did to other women?

If she ignored his womanizer side, Lu Xian Yu was an actually great and fun person but of course, Li Bingbing couldn't do that since the fact that he was a womanizer was one of the reasons why she kept on distancing herself from him.

Lu Xian Yu noticed the change from Li Bingbing's face, she didn't look happy or excited when she saw his gift and because of this, he couldn't help but feel nervous. Yes, he was feeling nervous.

When was the last time did he felt nervous? Ah, it was when his mother came looking for him.

Lu Xian Yu couldn't keep calm anymore that's why he asked, "Don't you like it?"

Li Bingbing didn't answer his question, instead, she asked him something else, "What kind of gala are we going to?"

He clenched his fists when he didn't get an answer from her. Other women would usually like to receive expensive gifts but here she was, ignoring his gift like it was nothing. She didn't even thank him!

He covered his face with his hand and started laughing. How could he forget that Li Bingbing was actually different from them?

Li Bingbing gave him a weird look. Was her question funny? Did he become crazy? Why was he laughing out of nowhere?

Lu Xian Yu noticed the look that Li Bingbing gave him. He smiled and held her hand before he kissed the back of it, "It's a charity gala. You're going to come with me as my partner."

Next time, he should probably get her something better... maybe some rare items would do. How about some game-related items? Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but think of things to get her next time while he was staring at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Li Bingbing didn't get mad at him for suddenly inviting her out of her nowhere since the first thing that came into her mind when she heard of the charity gala was... Xia Sinian.

If it was a charity gala, then there was a possibility that Xia Sinian would show up. If he did, then Li Bingbing couldn't miss that chance!

When Lu Xian Yu saw the excitement in Li Bingbing's eyes, he couldn't help but wonder what made her excited all of a sudden.


Arriving in the hotel where the Gala was being held, the event was extravagant and star-studded.

Elegant music was being played in the hall. Waitresses and waiters were weaving their way around the guests as they balanced their serving trays. There were well-known artists and businessmen seen chatting with each other.

When Lu Xian Yu and Li Bingbing entered the dining hall, they were quickly noticed by everyone.

Li Bingbing was wearing the strapless red gown with a thigh-high slit that Lu Xian Yu bought for her. She looked different that night, especially when she was not wearing her glasses. Her snow white skin made her red dress standout, and this made her look like she was wearing a dress made with fire. As usual, she didn't touch her short curly hair, although she was wearing the gold plated bead leaf-shaped hairpin. Li Bingbing would usually look like an innocent angel because of her big doe-shaped eyes but with the right eye makeup, she attracted so many men with her sexy eyes, bewitching everyone with her bold look.

Meanwhile, Lu Xian Yu was suddenly regretting his decision on bringing Li Bingbing with him. There were so many men eyeing her and he had the urge to pluck their eyes out, he just wanted to hide Li Bingbing from everyone's eyes.

Li Bingbing scanned the room with her captivating eyes and when she didn't see Xia Sinian, she became disappointed.

When it came to Li Bingbing, Lu Xian Yu's observation skills were at its peak that's why he noticed the excitement in her eyes fading. It felt like her mind was running somewhere so to get her attention, he clapped his hand in front of her face.

Lu Xian Yu was able to get Li Bingbing's attention although it felt like she was in a bad mood when she turned to him. "What?"

"There was a bee."

She knitted her brows together because of the words that she heard from him. "Seriously? A bee? Why would there be even bees in a place like this?"

He shrugged and looked away, "Maybe they thought that your face was a flower."

Li Bingbing chuckled, "That's a good one."

He looked back at her with a smile, he held her hand and kissed the back of it, "Of course it is."