Their past (9) (EDITED)

Upon arriving at her place, Li Bingbing saw a white Maybach car parked in front of her house. Li Bingbing didn't have to guess who it was since there can only be one person who would come to visit them.

Xia Sinian noticed the change in Li Bingbing expression, so he couldn't help but wonder what was happening.

Li Bingbing turned her head to Xia Sinian and forced out a smile, "Sisi, thank you for dropping me," she leaned towards his face, pressing her soft lips on his cheek lightly before she went out of his car.

A small blush painted Xia Sinian's cheek when he received the kiss. Li Bingbing should really hold back! How can she kiss him just like that? Was she... doing the same with other men? Xia Sinian put on a flustered face as that thought crossed his mind. From being in cloud nine to falling hard on the ground, that's what Xia Sinian felt when he thought of this.

Li Bingbing was a very beautiful girl. Of course, she wouldn't take interest in him, especially because he was not as hot as the actors she worshiped earlier.


After placing her paper bag on the ground with the stuff she bought earlier, Li Bingbing dragged legs to the living room and saw her mother sitting on the sofa with her head hanging low. Tears streamed down to her lap, and her nails dug into her palms as she clenched her hands.

Sitting in front of her was a handsome, middle-aged man wearing a black suit with a red tie and a white shirt. Two men, huge men stood behind him like statues.

Li Bingbing recognized the two men; they were the same men that followed her last night.

Li Bingbing, walking slowly towards her mother, tried to suppress the anger that surged up her head when she saw the man. She turned to Li Hua and glared at him, "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to get you."

Mu Xijiu swiftly grasped Li Bingbing's hand as she produced a pleading look while looking at Li Hua, "Please Li Hua, tears surfaced her eyes, "don't get her from me."

"Then I guess I will have to kick you out of this house." Li Hua said with a blank look on his face. "I bought this place, and I can do whatever I want here."

"Bought this place?" Li Bingbing scoffed, "So what if you have bought this house? This land? Do you think that I will go with you? Well then... f*ck you Li Hua! I will never go to your side even if it would be the end of this world!"

Li Hua narrowed his eyes at her before he turned to Mu Xijiu, "Is this what you've been teaching our daughter?"

"I am not your daughter, Li Hua." Li Bingbing said as she stood in front of her mother. "Since you have bought this house, it's only proper for us to leave." She, softening her face, turned to her mother, "Mom, we should start packing."

Mu Xijiu's body shook when she heard how Li Bingbing addressed her. It has been so long since she last called her 'mom'.

What has she been doing lately? She should be the one protecting her daughter, yet here she was, being a coward by hiding behind her daughter's back.

She loved Li Hua and always thought that everything would go well for them... until she had been replaced by a younger and beautiful woman.

Mu Xijiu was not that beautiful and attractive, but that was because she was always busy taking care of her back then to the point where she didn't have time for herself.

Right now, she looked older than she really is because of her pale and wrinkled face. Her hair was dry and the twinkle that once was in her eyes dimmed. She was wasted.

Li Bingbing has inherited the shape and the look of her eyes that decorated Mu Xijiu's younger days from her mother.

Her eyes were the prettiest, and whenever people would look at her, the first thing they would notice was her beautiful, captivating eyes.

Mu Xijiu smiled bitterly and cursed herself at how blinded she has become. After Li Hua left, she had always thought he will come back, yet he didn't. She tried to forget him, and because of that, she met another man and dated him, yet... just like Li Hua, he cheated on her and left her.

She became so crestfallen that she gave up on love. What did she do to deserve something like this? What horrible sin did she commit? Why were gods punishing her?

She, once again, waited for her husband Li Hua, hoping that one day he will realize that he loved her all along, but that was impossible... for he never returned... except for now. He came at last, yet he was here to get their daughter, her only pillar and light against the darkness that was about to consume her.

If she lost Li Bingbing, Mu Xijiu wouldn't know what to do with her life anymore, and that's when she realized that she had to do something! She wasn't going down without a fight!

Mu Xijiu, resolve filling her body, stood up and glared at Li Hua. It was time for her to let go of her toxic love for him even if it was hard. "You are not taking her from me."

Li Bingbing noticed the light returning in her mother's eyes, and she couldn't help but feel something warm growing inside her chest when she saw this.

"Is that so? I guess I'll have to get her the hard way then. Fang Yu, Wen Chong, get her." Li Hua ordered his men.

Li Bingbing's eyes became colder than ice as she glared at the men that were approaching her. If it were only one man, she would have been able to take care of him in no time. Unfortunately, they were two. If she attacked one, the other would hold her down.

She gritted her teeth and tightened her grip on her mother's hand; she was not willing to leave her mother, but she needed something to deceive her father with, "Wait."

The men stopped after Li Hua motioned them to do so.

"I won't be coming with you without anything in return," Li Bingbing demanded.

"Bingbing..." Mu Xijiu looked at her with a hint of worry.

"This house will be yours," said Li Hua as he planted his back against his seat.

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Ha! Are you trying to make me laugh? This house is nothing. You can buy this, and we can just move to somewhere else."

"What and how much do you want?"

Right before Li Bingbing was about to answer, the sound of the bell filled the house.

"I'll get it." Li Bingbing let go of her mother's hand and went to get the door, but Li Hua's men did not allow her through.

She snickered at them, "Do you think I will run away and leave my mother with you monsters still here?"

"Let her go."

Complying to Li Hua's orders, the men moved aside and allowed her through.

As Li Bingbing approached the door, she was trying to think of ways and schemes to deal with her father. When she opened the door and saw Xia Sinian, her eyes lit up, as if a wonderful thought crossed her mind.

"You left this..." said Xia Sinian, holding up the small teddy bear they had bought earlier next to his soft face.

"Oh, thank you, Sisi." Li Bingbing smiled wide as she took the stuffed toy before she gave him a hug.

Xia Sinian was surprised abruptness of the hug she gave him, but he snapped back to reality when he heard what Li Bingbing whispered in his ears.

She leaned back and smiled, "See you tomorrow, Sisi."