Give me a minute

Shen Juan arrived shortly and since he had a medical background, he started to take care of Lu Xian Yu's condition after he was transferred to Li Bingbing room.

He was a tall man with short spiky black hair. He was a handsome man who had glasses on as well. He was wearing a suit and he had a suitcase with him. Inside the suitcase was his medical tools.

Li Bingbing watched closely as Shen Juan stitched Lu Xian Yu's wounds. She was holding the blood bag that he brought since it was for the blood that Lu Xian Yu loss.

Soon after he was done, Li Bingbing turned to Shen Juan, "Will he be alright?"

"Yes, he is now in a stable condition."

Li Bingbing sighed in relief. "Do you have an idea on who did this to him?"

Shen Juan shook his head, "As of now, we don't have leads. The second master might know something but we have to wait for him to wake up."