Why can't she see him?

After the passionate kiss that they shared, both of them ended up breathless.

Li Bingbing rested her head on Lu Xian Yu's chest while Lu Xian Yu kept on her hugging her close, afraid that she would walk away the moment he let her go.

Li Bingbing didn't push him away, she felt her strength gone as if it has been drained by Lu Xian Yu's kiss. She was just resting her head on his shoulder.

She was always a woman who would always show strong facade to others, she rarely showed her vulnerable side to others. She didn't want others to see her cry but at that moment, she couldn't control her tears from falling.

Lu Xian Yu was the only person she has cried to, he was the only that has seen her weak side. Even if Xia Meilin was her best friend, she never acted weak in front of her.

Who would have thought a man like Lu Xian Yu would be the person who would see Li Bingbing's side? Why did she felt like she was closer to Lu Xian Yu than anyone else?