Do you like my place?

She tried to close the door but Lu Xian Yu pushed the door back with his hand. "Now, now, that isn't a nice thing to do, hon."

"W-Why are you here? How did you find me?" Li Bingbing took a step back away from Lu Xian Yu.

"Guess what? Your lover boy sold you out. He wanted me to pick you out of his place." Lu Xian Yu was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes. "Come now, if you don't want me to carry you out."

Li Bingbing clenched her fists tight. Xia Sinian was the one who called Lu Xian Yu? Why? Why would he do that? "Leave me alone, Lu Xian Yu! Whatever we have between us is over! I don't want you anymore so stop bothering me!"

Lu Xian Yu's eyes narrowed like a sharp knife when he heard her cold words. "I am the one who will decide when things will be over between us."

Li Bingbing glared at him, "If I actually knew that you were such a stalker and a control freak, I wouldn't have agreed to be your sex mate in the first place!"