This world is our playground

When Li Bingbing arrived home, the first thing she did was to take a shower and change her clothes. After that, she went to her bed and lied down with a heavy heart.

She couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Lu Xian Yu and she couldn't help but get worried about him.

Xia Sinian noticed how depressed Li Bingbing looked and he knew at that moment that she was thinking of Lu Xian Yu.

He went and lied down beside her, "Bingbing..."

Li Bingbing turned to face him. She let out a small smile, "I'm fine, don't worry." She snuggled against him before she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

Xia Sinian sighed inwardly at this. Even though Li Bingbing and Lu Xian Yu were together for fun and nothing else, he knew deep inside that a bond was formed between them.