I thought that you love my cooking?

"Dumbass, dinner is ready."

Xia Sinian's voice was suddenly heard from Li Bingbing's side.

"Oh, great! You're just in time. Come here, Sisi. Meimei's on the phone."

Xia Meilin's eyes became red when she saw her brother on the screen. He was on his pajamas. He still looked the same except for his pale skin. For some reason, he looked paler than the last time she saw him.

When Xia Sinian saw his little sister, he couldn't help but let out a smile. He placed his hands on Li Bingbing's shoulders as he stood behind her. "Xiao Mei..."

"Ge ge... I missed you so much..." Xia Meilin's tears were on the verge of falling but she tried her best not to cry since her brother would surely tease her about it.

"I missed you too." He couldn't help but chuckle when he saw his sister trying her best not to cry, "How's everything there?"

"It's good, good. I'm in Italy now."

"Italy?" Xia Sinian and Li Bingbing asked at the same time.