It's okay

Lu Xian Yu was already on his way to his apartment, near Li Bingbing's place by the time he received a call from the driver he hired.

He was shocked by the news he received. Xia Sinian was dead?

He drifted his car and drove in full speed toward the hospital after hearing it from the driver that took Li Bingbing and her family home. He ignored the traffic signals and because of that, he was able to reach the hospital in a matter of a few minutes after the call.

When he arrived at the hospital, the driver was the one who met up with him before he brought him to where the hall where the health staff took Xia Sinian.

It wasn't long before he saw the scene of Li Bingbing and the kids crying before him as the doctor declared Xia Sinian dead before they could even enter him to the emergency room.

Li Bingbing was on the floor while her children were hugging her.

He unconsciously went toward them and bent down to hug them in his arms.