You'll break their hearts

"We're not traitors, mama, we're not in your side to begin with," Mengmeng said with a cheeky grin plastered on her lips.

Qinqing nodded, "Yes! Qinqing is on Jiejie's side!"

"Both of you are hurting my feelings." Li Bingbing wiped an invisible tear from the side of her eyes.

Mengmeng hurriedly went to her mother and hugged her leg, "Mengmeng is just kidding, mama! Mengmeng is on mama's side!"

Li Bingbing grinned before she turned to Lu Xian Yu with a brow raised, "So what if it's me? What are you going to do about it?"

"Let's see, what should I do with you?" Lu Xian Yu had a serious expression on his face that somehow made the kid think that he was angry at their mother.

"Daddy, this is bullying!"

"Dada is not allowed to bully mama!"

The two took a protective stance in front of their mother.

Li Bingbing crossed her arms and smirked at Lu Xian Yu, "Yes, you are not allowed to bully me."