Don't bully my mama!

Li Bingbing smiled at Nan Yiyi, "As you can see, Ms. Nan, Xian Yu here has a life of his own so please leave while I'm being nice."

Well... she really should since Li Bingbing's mouth can turn into a machine gun the moment she decided to retort to her.

When Lu Xian Yu stared at Li Bingbing, the coldness in his eyes disappeared, instead, it was replaced by a gentle look and that made Nan Yiyi clenched her fists tight until it became white.

After so many years of waiting to get back, Lu Xian Yu was already with someone? She knew how much he liked to play around with other women but she felt that this time, something was different!

Lu Xian Yu has children and she could already guess that Li Bingbing was the mother!

Did he marry her? She still remembered the day where Lu Xian Yu got angry at his grandfather and told him that he was never going to marry! That was the reason why he broke up with her! But look at him now, he has already married someone! What a liar!