The Devil Who Devoured Snow White (Mengmeng's story)


"The world is not a beautiful place, but that's why we yearn for all the blissful things in the world. This is what 'Fight for all that's beautiful in the world' stands for." - Lu Mengjie


When a shooting star passed by, people started making their wishes only because of how bright the glow was. Little did they know, even that star once lost her way, walking alone in the dark. She fell again and again, climbing back every time, carrying forward with her wounds. She kept flying, trying her best to glide across the cold and lonely night.

One day, a tragic accident happened. Lu Mengjie woke up with no recollection of her identity or anyone around her. Without her memories, she was like a blank canvas. She woke up in an unfamiliar place, only to be filled with the curiosity of who she was... that was until the Devil from her past finally appeared.