Officer Ralph

It was strange to think that a police officer would come to a place like that villa. Many people were killed inside. Many were being tortured, every second prayed for death. At such a place, a police officer showed up? Officer Ralph was talking to the guard at villa's huge gates, as if giving him some instructions.

Max was looking from a windows as this young policeman was talking to the guards. Akon walked towards him, and said "Again showing up at the city. I wonder how many gangsters will be killed today."

Max-"Yeah, who knows. Hmm, let's make a bet on that, I say atleast 2."

Akon-"2? Are you crazy? It's such a small number. I bet on 4+."

Max-"You sure seem confident, let see who wins." And the friends kept chatting for a while.

On the other hand, downstairs,"I think they will send up spies on us. I am not sure they will show up, but you should be careful. Turn on X-ray scanner in the camera room. If you'll find a car with any suspicious equipment, message me immediately. Those bastards, if they will come for us, I'll make sure that no one will be alive in their whole family." Ralph said to the guard in a low husky tone.

Then, he took out keys from his pocket, walked lazily towards his bike, sat on it, and drove away. The guard and the men upstairs watched his back in awe.

Wind was ruffling his hairs that were on his face, he was thinking about Ditto. And how he was gonna met her today. After all this time. He was thinking about what will he say to her, and how will she reply him back. He was thinking will she recognise him again? He was just too happy because he will meet her. His happiness cannot be described into words. He was grinning end-to-end. He remembered the days when he would absolutely avoid crossing paths with her, and he would persistently follow him. He would purposefully slow down, and when he saw her catching up he would rush again. She bumped her head in his chest when she walk-ran in their classroom. He was waiting for her to come but he won't tell her that, at least now.

"Watch where you go, little one." He said with a playful smile.

"I'm not little one! I'm Ditto and you saw when I waved at you at entrance still you ran away, and have the audacity to call me little one huh! I'm gonna finish you!" She said, hitting his chest with her little fists. He grabbed her hands and pressed them on his chest

"Hey hey calm down, in my defence, I didn't know you were waving at me, and I was waiting for you in the class. Good morning Ditto, how are you today." He replied in a cool sing song tone.

Ditto couldn't help but smile the this clown she called friend and somehow fell in love with. Always getting on her nerves. "Hmphh, I'll take my revenge, let go of me now." She said, smiling, and wished he would never let go. But ofcourse things don't go the way you wish them to. Fate was too cruel.

"He was looking at a beauty while she smiling at a dog. Out of nowhere, that dog jumped towards her, and she lost her footing. Walking hurriedly, he held the waist of the beauty who tripped on her heels. He held it like a gentleman, and helped her stand back on her feet, then turned to walk away on his straight path. But she stopped him, as she held his shirt's sleeves by her hands. Her grip was ever so light, making it clear that she was hesitant in doing what she was doing .'Th-thanks.' Her head was hung low in shyness as she replied in a voice that tickled his ears like feathers."


He was so drowned in imagining all of this that he forgot he was riding a motor bike and nearly hit an old man who was walking by side ways.

Shit! He cursed inwardly on his foolishness and stopped his bike in a second.

Tyres made an ugly voice as he pulled the brakes.

Not even bothered a bit about his bike, he put in on ground and ran towards the old man.

He asked him if he was okay. And luckily the man was okay, but he was suffering from many other illnesses.

"I think his family has left him alone to wander in streets and die. People now-a-days are just too ungrateful." he thought.

"Old man, I think you should rush to the hospital. Your condition is not too good."

"I know my condition is not good, but son, who will pay the expenses for hospital? I don't have money."

"Let me take you to hospital first, the we can call your family."

"I have no family. Those dog I adopted from streets killed my own son and sold my grandchild to a butcher. They robbed me off my belongings, my company, my everything. Go on young man, I think I should just die." The old man said while doing a bitter attempt to smile as he was looking at Ralph.

"Dear grandpa, don't just loose hope like this. If you will keep thinking about those bastards, you will never be able to move on from your past and you will live in misery. Instead, just forget what was in the past and start a new life. As they say,'It's never too late'. It's hard to forget our past, but that is what gonna help you live. Live, and get back whatever you lost. And teach those bastards a good lesson that they will never forget."

"Son, what can an old man possibly do? When it all started, I had so much trust in them that I never thought they they will be the ones behind all of this. But my enemy, that bastard, he lured all of them into his trap, and now they are bound to him with their soul. If they will listen to him, do whatever he will say, they will spend their days in happiness and joy, but if by any means, they will refuse to listen to him, he will make their life worse than hell, and he will torture not only their body, but their very soul. They will beg grim reaper to come and take their soul, but they will never have the luxury to die."

That old man, while describing all this, was trembling, as if he saw all those things happening before his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes turned misty, and he was trying to speak something else, but he fainted.

Ralph was a kind man, and he did what any other responsible citizen would have done.

He took him to the nearby hospital, which by chance turned out to be a high end one. He knew that he could just leave and Grandpa wasn't injured anywhere by his bike, but due to some reasons, his heart wanted to help that Grandpa, so he stayed back, settled all the bills, asked the nurse to take care of him and told them to tell him not to worry as he will return in the evening to meet him again.