An Insight To Hell

Is it too rude for me to not introduce myself?

Hi! I am Ji Hua, and my friends and family also know me as Ditto.

Sadly, there is no one left in this world, whom I can call friend or family. I lost them five years ago, and by now, this fact doesn't even hurts me anymore. Time teaches everything.

When I look at my life, it all seems like a joke. When I had freedom, I felt entitled to it. Now I carve for it. My life is not mine anymore. I am like a slave whose life depends on the order of his master. I am like a puppet, my soul is trapped, and he can play with my body anyway he wants.

There's not one part of all this that I am not dying to change.

But suddenly it seems like tomorrow a new chapter in my life is going to start. It seems like one of those moments in movies where the girl is walking on the street and she's confused and lost, her eyes teary and her steps unsteady, but then slowly a sense of confidence seeps through her, slowly filling her up, submerging her in hope and possible joy, and she's smiling, and then she's running, sprinting away from her past, leaving behind all that she has been through, charging at her future, laughing like crazy.

The people that surround me, we can also address them as bloodsucking monsters, never fail to point out every tragedy of my life, everything I am running from, everything I didn't wanted to become, everything I lost and it hurts. I know it's been a long time, but still, it constantly hurts.

As if there's still some hope left, as if I still can change my life, as if I can do anything I want.

It was like a faded sign all this time, but suddenly, it's bright like sun, and I can't ignore it, even if I want to.

"Ahh, what do you want again? Leave me!"

"You fucking whore, what are you daydreaming about? Who will clean up all this mess?" Melina barked, dragging Ditto by her hairs.

"I will do it, young miss, I'll do it." A houseworker said meekly.

"Did I asked you to do it, slut? Don't interrupt me ever again if you wish to live longer." Melina said, a 23 years old badly raised bitch. She was ugly, polar opposite of Ditto, and she reserves a secret stash of hatred and nastiness towards Ditto, who's beautiful. Melina is cracked, burnt and ugly, a pain to look at. Every time she saw the beautiful Ditto, she is reminded how lizard-looking she is.

One should never comment on how someone looks, but Melina is exactly like that on the inside.

Cracked like barren earth. Shrivelled up. Flaky. Disgusting.

"This is your destiny. To clean my shit. Roll around at my feet." Melina said proudly looking down at Ditto, for whom she specially threw a tantrum in front of her husband, and now wants her to clean the mess she created.

"I also want to be destined carry your dead body. Isn't that exciting? I wonder what will I do with your dead, defenseless body." Ditto replied, with absolute childish excitement. Alas, all the times she was at the brink of death, was mocked, ripped of her pride and what not, still that excitement never died. She has a will to live, to feel, to enjoy. You can see a fighter in her eyes, if you are capable eyes to see it. That's why she attracted so much trouble for herself. If she was a normal girls, Shredder would play with her for a while and then kill her. But her eyes, those captivated him. He wanted to break her soul, as if breaking her bones was not enough.

"Leave it to the dogs? Nah, too easy." She calmed herself, and sat down, with her index finger on her chin, as if she was thinking about something important. "Parade it naked? Oh. Wait. Leave them with the pigs. Play football with your beheaded head? Hockey with your tits? Endless possibilities."

"You...I'll see you bitch, just wait ." And Melina kicked her hard in stomach. Ditto fall on her knees and almost puked blood. Melina left stomping her feet, as this was not enough.

"I'll wait for you, I want to see what you can do." She whispered to herself. The maid helped her get up, and she dragged herself back to her room.

Melina was not always like that. Firstly, she didn't cared at all. After all, her father, Shredder, had many concubines like her. But when Melina's husband, Rick, started to pay attention towards Ditto, she was in rage. Her husband was handsome and tall, he was a top listed actor who didn't had that much of a talent, but if you marry a Don's daughter, that's more than enough. He was super sweet and attentive towards her wife, who once had an accident and almost got killed, survived but with ugly scars.

Rick didn't usually had scandals nor did he paid attention to other women, but Ditto was too beautiful to be ignored. He could not help but be a lowly stalker around her. Ditto called her,"Rick the Dick".

He was the reason behind Melina's rage, and Ditto felt sorry for Melina.

That's why one should never date or marry someone who is better than you, because then you'll spend your whole life in worry and self-doubt.

Ditto went back into her room, and combed her hair which were reduced to mess because of constant pulling. She untangled them, then grabbed them all and pulled them into a bun. She turned around towards her closet to grab her clothes as she headed towards shower, she saw a handsome guy standing at her door. His had folded his hands on his chest and he was leaning on her door frame, staring at her. He was tall, and Ditto had to lift her head up to look directly into his height. He was not too tall, but Ditto was like a little duckling who hoped around everywhere in house, so yeah, she needed to lift her head.