He looked up!
His gaze that was scrutinizing every single detail of that place, suddenly looked up, their eyes met, and time stopped.
A blank white space, with no ground whatsoever, them floating around, looking deep into each others eyes, as if they wanted to know, "Does she feels for me the same thing with the same intensity as I do?"
Back to reality, Ditto was absolutely lost, and she got up abruptly, got down the stairs hurriedly.
Ralph saw her coming down, and he ran towards her, because he knew that she will trip and fall, and he didn't wanted to see a single scratch on her body, so yeah. He ran with the highest speed possible.
And it happened, she tripped when she was on last two stairs, closed her eyes, because she knew she was going to hit her bum against the floor. But her hero, her prince charming, her knight in the shining armor was there to save her, and she fall directly in his arms, clutching his sleeves tightly, as if her life depends on them.
Love is in the air!
Both of them, looked directly in eyes, and their souls, naked souls greeted each other. It was a really romantic position, and Ralph helped her stand up, and directly hugged her tightly, as if trying to get her heart, that was in million pieces to stick together. As if he was trying to heal her. As if he was dying, and she was his anti-dote.
That hug was brief, because Ralph knew that this lady will get into huge amount of trouble if someone will see them.
Here, on the other hand, Ditto was totally surprised with her recent discovery. Her love multiplied a thousand times, when she realized a certain thing. That brief hug was something that connected their souls who were carving for each other for an eternity, to finally get peace. She was like, "Uuhhh, my soul-mate."
Ralph said, "Miss, I am Ralph. I am in the police, this is my identity. We are here to inform Sir Rick that there is a small gang operating near-by so he better be careful. We are trying to eliminate their existence, and until then, he should not act recklessly."
He said this while walking back towards the couch, Ditto walking right beside him, and none of his words matched his voices' tone while he was sying that.
It actually sounded like,"Miss, I am Ralph. I am totally in love with you, Please heal my heart. I am here to inform you that I have never felt this way before for anyone, so better be careful. I am giving you my fragile heart, please take a good care of it, and don't act recklessly."
Ditto laughed.
She laughed like this was the best thing happened to her in her whole life, like she understood the underlying meaning and was completely in love with him too, so her love confessing his feeling, this was euphoric. Literally forget everything, just focus on how her bubbly lips curved when she laughed. Her eyes were reduced into a line, and she laughed whole heartedly.
Ralph literally saw flowers blooming around him. Like a person struck with lightening, he stood were he was, jaws dropped.
"I was living my life in vain all these years before meeting her. Her smile is all I want to see." Ralph's mind.
Well, quickly realizing that what he said was not a joke, she composed herself and begin to speak in her melodious voice,"Nice to meet you officer, my name is Ditto."
Ditto was surprised, because he mouthed those words, her name, before she even told him his name. It was a pleasant surprise for her, because that meant, more or less, he knew about her. If he still made the decision to come to her house to see her, that means that maybe, this is the end of her suffering. But she was afraid about him. Because if he will meddle with shredder, until he is not someone as powerful as him, he will be destroyed in a snap. She wanted to voice out her mind, but stopped.
Because till then, the maid was coming down stairs with Rick. Rick was dressed in half t-shirts and track pants, his muscles were showing off, and Ditto walked away from the young man towards the kitchen. She didn't wanted to walk away. She wanted to stay, for forever. But this was not possible.
Thankfully, no one saw their affectionate episode that unfolded before them. Ralph sensed the discomfort oosing out from Ditto. He sensed that this man has made his lady uncomfortable, so naturally, it was mandatory for him to create trouble for this young man.
Ralph made his first move, while the maid and Rick were still walking down the stairs. A few words were exchanged through texts, and done!
Rick introduced himself, and talked to Ralph for what he came for and stuff, while glancing towards Ditto time by time. The gorgeous lady was dressed in her Night shirts and Pajamas, but that was not capable of hiding the aura, the beauty she got.
Ralph cleared his throat, and voiced out,"Young man, I think while talking, we should look towards the one we are talking to, not some gorgeous lady who is minding her own business, I guess."
Rick turned his head and began apologetically, "Umm, sorry, I thought there was a cat underneath the dining table, was just searching for the cat, nothing else."
"I hate lies." Ralph said in a low dangerous tone.
"Excuse me, what?"
"I said have a nice day. Will see you again, really soon. I'll make sure to remove the pricks who disturbs your peace. And mind it, it's not a goodbye." Ralph said, to both, Rick and Ditto, in a high tone so Ditto can hear it as well. And the walked towards the doors, stopped for a brief second, saw Ditto while she quickly left the room when he started to leave, and saw how Rick was looking at Ditto with a dirty expression on his face.
"I don't like you, bastard." And he left.