After hearing her lady's worried voice, she snapped back into reality. Her sunshine was worried about her, ahh!
"I was just too happy that I will get to spent time with you. I thank heavens! Oh my lady, I am so so so happy."
The ladies just kept spouting sweet nothings, and after a while Adria asked a serious question to Ditto. "Sunshine,, I have a question to ask about that ugly bastard. He doesn't allow you to talk to someone but gave you a phone, is not serious about your studies but you attend university, doesn't cares much about you but allows you to go shopping, don't you think it has a deeper meaning, more than what eyes can see? I mean, why this facade? Why is he doing this? Its not like I don't want him to do this, I love that he did this and made my way to reach you easier, but I also feel like, I feel like he has laid a trap for someone, to use you as his bait, but I can't help but wonder why is he doing this?"
Ditto's face suddenly turned gloomy, sadness to over the initially happy face of hers. She began to recall a the reckless things she did. Walking down the memory lane, her eyes turned misty.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Tears began to flow down her almond shaped eyes. Adria was so scared, that she forgot to speak for a moment!
"Shhh, don't cry my dear, don't cry. What happened in past is not something I can change but I can definitely make your present and your future better, I will never let that bastard harm you. You are safe with me, please don't cry, I will never let anything happen to you or people close to you, don't cry please!"
She began to blurt out nonsense because she was scared shitless! Damn it this girl was able to give her heart attack.
Suddenly hearing her high pitched rambling, Ditto realised that her actions deeply scared Adria and she was looking like a lost dog who knew nothing why his owner was crying but still tried it's best to help its owner. Ditto said, "Ahh, I am okay, I am okay dear, I know I am safe now. You are my home Gracy, how will I not be safe with you? But your spectaculations are indeed correct. He is using me as a bait. He wants my grandfather, my only living family. I miss him that's why tears began to flow out my eyes. I don't know what my family did to trigger his anger, but he wants to ruin my family thoroughly. My uncles are his puppets now and will be killed anytime if he just raises a finger. My parents are already dead. I am trapped here. And Granu, I don't know about his whereabouts. Last time I saw him, he was deeply injured because he fought with Shredder's men when they came to take me away. I even suspect.....suspect that...Granu is already..... "
" Shhhh, don't worry, he is not. He is alive and kicking. Actually he is around. Guess where he is."
Adria was enraged when she heard about how Shredder destroyed Ditto's family. She wanted to tie him up on a chair and pull his hairs on his whole body one by one. That guy deserves a horrible death! A bath in acid! Roting in hell! Deep fry in volcano! Eaten by stray dogs alive!
Just when Adria realised Ditto's concern about her grandfather, her mood lightened up immediately! She wanted to gift Ditto something. She was not among those chicken headed lovers who gifted flowers or unnecessary things to there significant others, which dies or become a burden to keep after a few days, or chocolates which will be flushed down in toilet after a few hours, but she believed in giving something that will make the receiver feel special, really really special. Something she cannot get by herself. Something that will be really important to her. Something she will never be able to forget till her last breathe. That's why she was not able to decide yet. But now, a perfect gift, her grandfather was ready without any effort!
You sure coincidences don't exist? I think otherwise.
"Where is my granu? You saw him? Is he okay? He used to be a diabetic so he could not just eat anything recklessly or starve for a while, he must be severely ill if there was no one to take care of him. Tell me where is he?" Ditto bombarded poor Adria with questions.
" Sigh" Adria could only sigh coldly while looking at that beautiful but anxious face.
"Yes I found him. He indeed was very ill. But now he is okay. Right now he is in hospital for a few days, and after that he will be staying with me. A day after I met you, I was driving on a cold morning on suburbs roads when I saw him, he was crossing the road. I was driving really fast and was about to hit him but I controlled my bike before anything bad could happen. My bike didn't hit him and he was fine without any scratch but he seriously needed to be hospitalised because he was not well. I don't know why but something inside me begin to care about him the moment I saw him. As if he was a long lost close person of mine. So, took him to hospital and after he will be totally fine, I have invited him to live at my place. He was also mentioning something about his adopted childs betraying him and his whole family, and how badly he wanted to revenge his dead son and daughter-in-law, and also to see his and take care of his beautiful granddaughter, that means you. Just a couple of days and you'll be able to see him"
Ditto almost cried after listening to what Adria said.