A lady was standing before a ceiling-to-floor window. She was holding a glass full till brim with red wine, slowly sipping it while staring at the magnet-powered vehicles which were moving 100 feet below her with speed of light leaving a trail of light behind them. A state where she and her inventions lived. A place that was on earth yet it felt like a different planet. A place where she was sole living being. That place, with area 970 sq mile, had a house of hers, laboratories and storage place all over. Machines were working day and night to develop new articles. They had discovered more than 200 elements here. They were working on new materials these elements could possibly combine to create. She was living in 2075 already.
She was the ruler of this little empire of hers. Well, by little, I mean, control over 4 developed countries and indirect control all over the world. We might get to know the top 10 rich and powerful human on earth, but what about those, or specifically, "the one" who ruled all over the world, yet never showed up?
They say women are weak, well maybe, thats the truth because we care about who is around us and we are kind. We care about home and thats why men can go out and do chores to feed the family. We are the backbone of a house. Without us, it will fall apart. Because of us a house is a home. Some men may think thats it's better to stay unmarried but in their old days they just wishes they can have someone to share their burden with, someone that would have annoyed them, someone they can return to after a long day at work and when a married man nags about his problem, they just wish that they could trade places, even if that meant to have all those problems in the first place. Without a woman, a man is hollow, whether he admits it or not. But women? Just if they could be a bit more selfish, just if they can see what awaits them if they let go of these emotions that make them feel down, they'll be able to see their limits, which is beyond limits. Yeah, no woman would let go of her dream to find a right man ,or maybe for their soul mate who necessarily doesn't needs to be a man, and be happy ever after, even when she is deeply hurts and all. Even when she gave up and is no longer finding the right man they still channel their love for others around them.
But hey, in this world full of exceptions, there maybe a lady who is not bothered by anyone at all? That one doesn't needs any definition to define her, no one to tell her what to do, she doesn't smiles politely to greet people, she might show her teeth but never laughs, who can be as emotionless as stone, no limits to control her, who is as almighty as we describe our prince charming to be( shoutout to the ladies who read novel, I know you set your standards high), who is in control of this whole planet. Surprising right?
Well we got exceptions everywhere, so why would we lack here? It is not that hard as it seems.
There was someone who was investigating her, lets have a look here to understand our superwoman a bit more.
-Boss, this is the information we managed to get about her.
Name: Eva Yala
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Age: 22
Height: 5'11"
Hobby: None
Education: Unknown
Language: Fluent in Spanish, English, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, German, Japanese and other unknown.
Job: None
Address: Unknown
Friends: None
......And every other column was unknown
Boss: "What is this? Is this what you call digging information about someone? Every column filled with unknown? Since when you became this lazy? Unknown? Can you get away with this?"
The PA sighed mentally. The new lady his boss took fancy in was like an alien. She was everywhere they went, but still there was no trace of her. As if she was ghost. While digging information he felt like this lady was too 'unknown' to exist. So he even double checked with the face of every dead person he could, but no avail. The information about her age too was fake. He didn't knew her age, he just filled it randomly because he didn't wanted to piss of his boss too much. But seems like this small effort was not noticed by his boss. He was raging anyway. But there was another startling discovery.
PA: "Sir, I know that every column is 'unknown'. Even her name is real or not is unknown. She told her that herself when she bumped into you. . Because there is no trace of hers. Nowhere. Not even one social media account. No picture on any sort of device. At one point I thought she was a ghost."
His boss rolled eyes at him, ghost, huh. But he continued anyway because he had a lot to say,"Sir, to take out her picture, I even got the CCTV footage of every single place we saw her but there is something off about it. She always was at some blind spot or there is no image of hers whatsoever. It's like she was there without her body. Like camera can't capture her....." he was interrupted when his boss screamed.
"surprise" said a lady in a tone as bland as you read it.
Her face was like he was looking at water in river. You can keep looking at it, and it will keep changing before you'll even get to know it. One second this another second that. Looking at her face, he experienced some kind of calmness he never experienced before. He had long forgotten the fact that he was to ask her how did she got into the building which was situated 1000 km deep in earth, without causing stirr in the place which is believed to have highest security in the world, this belief is also backed up by the experts. Her eyes were scary, calm like sea filled with monsters hiding beneath the sheet of endless blue. After looking too long in those black pits, he would swear he saw a few people drowning and screaming for mercy, including him. He saw the purest form of nightmare a man can see, which is beyond what words can describe. Before he even knew, he started to feel light, as if he was lifted in air. He never felt so calm, so light before. Like he was air. Before he could gain his senses back, he took a long breathe and bade farewell to this world.
The PA was rooted to spot. He was standing on the left side of table, that lady was on front-right side. He saw his boss who became boneless in seconds. He could not even speak. If he was not there to witness it, he would have never believed it. Just by a stare? Really? He was shocked. His blood started to flow backward when his boss hit the floor with a thud sound. And the lady turned to him, shrugged her shoulder, bowed as if apologizing, and said, "He was meddling too much with the underground business, I mean yeah he is, ahem, was the the most powerful there, but still, he was just out of his egg yet. And on top of, he was a pigeon's young one. If he'll keep attracting the eagle by rapidly flapping his wings then this could not be helped. You're a talented guy though, loyal too, I offer you a job, rule his empire, off course you can always choose to say no but then you may leave the world in the same way as he did."
He was scared witless, still on instinct he nodded his head like a chicken. "Good" was all he received and she passed an envelope to him.