I am willing to follow you (2)

After getting the much needed clear mindset by crying, Adria was back to her fine, egoistic, unfazed and unbothered genius self.

It was a kind of personality that made people feel small. There was a weight in her words, because she didn't spoke much, and whatever she said, was agreed first, thought later. At one point, even Adria's Dad, Godfather of drug dealers in S Country began to agree with her, no matter what she said. Even if there was a risk in the job, he agreed without thinking, because he knew his daughter wasn't the kind to take un-calculated risks. And he was proved right, time after time.

Adria had differed characters to play. The sickly owner of Cyber Café, the mighty young master Ralph, and it kept changing time to time. She became a master, of presenting an image that wasn't really her.

The actual her was scared of speaking out loud. It was afraid to hear what others had to say about her. Was afraid that people will take advantage of her. Was afraid to not have to power to fight back to them. Was afraid people will call her weak. Was afraid, that she will never be enough. Hence she trained religiously, became a new peak of personal achievements one human can possess. She was a genius in every field.

As time passed, she became a cold block of ice. Unfazed. Unbothered. Nothing could get any sort of expression from her. Her face was expressionless, even when bullet made holes in her body.

What made a change in her, was love. The moment she fell for Ditto, she became more relaxed. She didn't really changed much, but for a person who was close to her and observed her, they will know she was becoming much carefree than her previous self. Max saw this change, that's why he was bothered when it started. However he over looked this small sign, and was only repenting when Adria was far-far away from him.


Her hairs were chopped short, and they were chocolate brown in colour. She was wearing a hoodie, and sweat pants in the moment. It was gender neutral. She was dressed like that for the first time. First time, she was dressed like her real self.

Ditto was the first person to look at her when she left the changing room in the airplane, and the glitter in her eyes spoke louder than words.

In her mind, a poem by one of her classmate began to float word by word. Back the, she was too full of herself to compliment the beauty of her classmate's poem, but the poem was too pure, and unbeknownst to Ditto, the poem was tattooed in her brain.


How can I describe what I feel when I see you,

You are a lethal poison,

A poison, sweet one,

I kiss your essence left in air,

Because I can't kiss you,

Your presence makes me weak in knees,

I am not even myself in front of you.

Such an effect you have on me.

Saying that I love you will be such an understatement,

I am willing to follow you,

Even if it takes me to the doors of hell,

I am willing to sin for you.

You are worth this, everything,

You're worth more than what this world has to offer,

I want to give you more, much more,

Let me follow you, my poison,

I am addicted to you... ~

Adria walked upto her wordlessly, and gave a slight squeeze her on her shoulder, a sign that she should go and change too.

With words from the poem floating in her head, Ditto was headed towards the changing room.

Adria's focus was now on the old man, Patrick. 'Such a young name for this energetic old man.' (Off course, sense the sarcasm)

"Okay, so what I am going to say next might not be pleasant for you, but l love your grand daughter." Adria begins the awkward conversation.

"What's 'not pleasant' about this? So do I, young lady." Patrick joked. But he knew what she was trying to say.

"That's not what I meant...."

Patrick cutted her off, "I know what you mean, these old eyes have seen enough of this world, I know you both are in love. I don't want to say anything about this, because you two are grown-a&& adults and know what you are doing."

When Patrick finished what he was saying, he closed his eyes and pretended that he was resting. He knows that Adria has big matters to deal with, he wants her to focus on those.

Meanwhile, Adria was in shock. She thought that the old man will create trouble for her, will try to drag Ditto away, scenarios like that. Not once did she thought that he will act so, umm, normally, as if it was a matter to discuss what's in dinner, rather than the change in sexuality of his grand daughter. Having a lesbian grand daughter isn't normal, for God's sake!

But since he was so easy going, she was delighted. Only if her father could accept it as generously as this old man.

Patrick opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling, and mindlessly spoke out what he was thinking, "I sometimes wonder, how normal our lives would be if I never migrated from China. Stayed back in our old tea business, selling tea to locals, brewing the light essence every morning to evening at our small tea shop. How peaceful and calm those days were..."

Adria heard him spoke, and she began to process his word. Calm. Peaceful. She didn't knew the meaning of these words. Since she learned how to walk, chaos were her calm. Off course, she knew what peace Patrick was talking about.

How nice it will be, if they started a little business in a small town? Patrick and Ditto will make that place a heaven. Meanwhile, I will be able to see the peaceful side of this world, helping my saviour at times when she needed me?

Adria was making plans in her mind. They landed in a small town, near Spain. People knew both, Spanish and English, and it was a very nice place, for the plan Adria had in mind.