Chirp chirp~

Grasshopper 1- Chirp chirp~

(Hello, are you here to read this novel as well?)

Grasshopper 2- Chirp chirp~

(Yeah, I wanted to give it a try too. LGBT, it says? Yeah I want to read about "this" type of content.)

Grasshopper 1- Chirp chirp~

(Ohh, I see. But why are you speaking as if your are going to throw up?)

Grasshopper 2- Chirp chirp~

(Ohh, well, this homo-stuff, is it alright?)

Grasshopper 1- Chirp chirp~

(Dude com'mon, its normal, okay, N-O-R-M-A-L.)

Grasshopper 2- Chirp chirp~

(But author's mom says its not natural?)

Grasshopper 1- Chirp chirp~

(Not natural? Well, author got bi-sexual rabbits you know, "natural". She originally planned to keep males in one room and females in other, but they started making love to each other and pulling hairs, she just had to get rid of some and keep few :( .)

Grasshopper 2- Chirp chirp~

(Oh? Really? My my, sounds sad. And by the way, author's a she? And is she lesbian or bi maybe?)

Grasshopper 1- Chirp chirp~

(Yeah, author is a she. And author is a bisexual. Every time she meets a lady, she is like,"Oh you got a boyfriend, and it's not me? Ohh bad luck." She likes men and women both. But she's not out to her family yet. Her family can never accept that. Her few friends know about this, but then her girl-friends start to think that author is into them and get butt-hurt when she clarifies she is not. And her dude friends, don't even ask. They just don't get the whole concept?Ugh! )

Okay I know its weird, but I just wanted to write something about me. Chirp chirp~ Pfffffttt